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This user's image description contains 7 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. blu377
    • supporter
    • 195 kudos
    I've been using NAC for a couple of years now along with PRC & I've never had an inclination to change, although I did try NAC-X but it didn't play nice with something in my game cause once I reverted back to NAC all was fine again.

    As far as these images go I think it looks really good, I'm always stopping to take in the textures from LUX, they're so beautiful
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 393 kudos
    Nice set. He actually looks the part - if I can phrase it like that.
  3. iceem2cold
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    I recently started using Nac X, but i was unsure about it, also unsure if I wanted to use an ENB.. This set makes me want to try this enb
  4. dickyftw
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    NAC X has been working good for me
    1. lonewanderer345
      • premium
      • 145 kudos
      Hey D'...
      Honestly, I'm only using NAC-X because it's a requirement for the ENB by Luxor...I'd rather stick to True Storms for the weather and the feral spawns.
      So far my only grumble is that the NAC-X ENB patch turns off underwater DOF, and that looks terrible,...It can be switched on and off, but having to keep an aid item hot-keyed is going to be a PITA.
      Night's will be a factor too, as I'm so used to Darker Nights now,...and there does seem to be a weird thing going on where Mr Handy lights are on all the time, so either the NAC-X or ENB must be conflicting with that mod.

      Maybe once I experience some Interior cells, some NAC weather's, and figure out the Handy lights issue, it will grow on me,...hope so, as I do like Luxor's ENB very much.