what happenes when you read on-line gaming magazines

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  1. Marthos
    • supporter
    • 75 kudos

    Hmmm, the way componant (eg ridiculous ott rip off gpu) prices are going I doubt I'll be building another rig for quite some time, if ever. Only built this rig last year and it'll run Win 11 but have no plans to switch yet.

    Hope you are well Stef
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Good to see you Mart. How are you?  I had seen you had started to post again. And I was happy knowing you're still around. I'm sort of burnt out from wanting to comment on too much. I know it's just in my head. Still........ So I'm spending way too much time browsing FB at the moment. Though usually I don't play that much during summer anyway. As for Win 11. I'm in no hurry. Though as it is, I'll have to buy it instead of getting a free upgrade. New rig = New Windows. I DID ask. Oh well
    2. Marthos
      • supporter
      • 75 kudos

      I'm ok mate, thought I had covid last week but tested negative three times so it was just a (very) snotty cold with a throat like I'd been swigging battery acid.

      I know what you mean about burn out, felt that way too so spent more time on the motorbike and going to meet ups and get togethers. Just bought myself one of Triumph's retro Bonnevilles and I'm quite taken with it, cruising about all old school style but with modern day reliability and brakes that actually work

      Now all I need to do is stop the weeds growing in the garden, guess the winning lottery numbers and find the Fountain of Youth
    3. cormell
      • premium
      • 343 kudos
      Cool. One more chore -- Any idea where I can get a hat like this?

    4. Marthos
      • supporter
      • 75 kudos

      Aye, here you go Laird

    5. lonewanderer345
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Imagine if the UK didn't such a bunch of uptight gits in charge, and we could ride in whatever gear we deem suitable as adults without risking a telling off from some spotty kid in a "uniform"...wouldn't that be just crazy? "Let The Rider Decide".

      (And the irony given that a uniform for UK coppers is now neither uniform, or professional, more like some shopping centre security thug ).
    6. Marthos
      • supporter
      • 75 kudos

      And it don't matter a damn to me what anyone in charge said or says, I'd still be wearing full leathers with body armour and a decent quality lid.

      Thanks to some no-brain in a car I've bounced my fat arse on tarmac at 70 mph before, I know how hard it is.

      All The Gear All The Time, no exceptions.
    7. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      I hear you. Been there myself. Spent 7 weeks in hospital. Very happy for my leathers. Later on it was nylon/kevlar. And "if it's too hot to dress then it's too hot to ride".  But I think my riding days are over. The Yamaha has been sitting underneath its cover for some 6 years now On the + side though: We've got a beautiful Audi convertible. That's a real treat.
      Congrats on the Triumph. A real "bonnie" bike I DO like the looks of the old bikes. And I think Triumph's got it spot on with their new retro bikes. Without the hazzle Take care out there while enjoying life
    8. Marthos
      • supporter
      • 75 kudos

      Thanks Stef, shame tha Yam's been sitting for so long but you'll look at it one day something will click inside you

      I dropped very lucky with the Bonnie, managed to get one of the 110th Anniversary Editions and there's only been a thousand of them made worldwide. Plus it's an absolute minter, not a mark on it.

      A piccy:

    9. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      She's a real beauty. And the sound......
  2. Dorksis
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
  3. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    What the heck is a TPM module??   (Now, I'll have to look it up. )  Pretty sure you don't need it for what you're doing now, i.e., producing some fine images.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      DID you look it up..... Well - for now it's not important. I DO like to keep up with Windows though. If not before, then at least when this version runs out of updates. But you are right - that TPM gizmo's got nothing to do with gaming. As far as I can tell at least....... Thank you very much Hammer
    2. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
        Yes. I did look it up.  My MB does support it (version 2.0) but I had to turn it on in the BIOS.  It was in a section called PCH-FW - I never would have thought to look there.   Thanks for the heads up. 
    3. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
  4. Sinapus
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    My current computer is a about 11 years old, though I've replaced a few parts over the years, and it's running pretty well. I will probably have to replace it sometime, though not yet.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Not in a hurry myself. As long as Win 10's getting support this rig will do beautifully Thank you Sinapus
  5. xrayy
    • premium
    • 401 kudos
    tpm 2.0 for win 11 ist the same as the tos change here on nexus. it is all about to make the the user a willingless subject and to be forced to surrender data.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Arrhh... why so cynical and grumpy (I thought that was MY prerogative ) You DO know they only do this because they want to give us the best experience possible......... Thank you Xrayy
  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    Good one, and good to hear from you again. The final battle in The Outer Worlds is pretty big and worth experiencing once.

    I haven't heard the phrase "planned obsolescence" in quite a while, but it's definitely guaranteed with computers. I had a tech install Windows 10 about 6 months ago (I definitely don't trust myself anymore). I asked him how long until the next Windows version comes out? He said, "Oh not to worry, this is pretty much it for Windows. You won't be seeing anything new for a long time." I felt like patting him on the head and saying, "That's OK, sonny boy, let me get you a towel, I think you're still wet behind the ears." (Not sure that idiom translates well -- means young and not experienced. I suspect you've heard it though, Stef.) I have a spinning hard drive that is from 2008. I only use it for back up now. Everything else in the case is new, including the case.

    Your game looks good and appears to have survived your absence.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Thanks a lot Laird "Wet behind the ears" "Not yet dry behind his ears" Same phrase to the letter. In two vastly different languages. You've got your "greenhorn". We've got a "grønskolling" Just don't ask me what a "skolling" is though. I have absolutely no idea. But it is defintely not a "horn" When I got a free upgrade from Win 8 to Win 10 I also read that Win 10 was the last and the ultimate. No more versions. Just updates......... Well, that was 6 years - and a truckload of udates- ago. One of the updates even had me jumping through hoops in order to make it work. I'll spare you a lengthy story. But the automatic updatre tool didn't work. I managed to work around it - thank you community- but it got pretty longhaired along the way (as in very very nerdy) 
      Anyway - I'm just being lazy - and enjoying the summer inbetween work. I guess that come fall/winter I'll be back at playing. Maybe even get to finish FO4......... And I'm in no hurry with Win11. Got a more than decent rig so I'll be good until they stop releasing security updates for Win10.
  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 317 kudos
    Back in F4 are ya?  I went in last week and finally took the winter setting out (and had considered leaving it in because November is only a little more than 3 months away ) and started a new game, took one look at Sanctuary, went "Ugh" and jumped back into RDR2.   I'll probably get the building bug again so will eventually drift back to F4.  Have fun in F4, Steff.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      Hi Pat. Thanks for dropping by Not really playing. Just read that article and strated nerding. Then I thought I could make some of it. And - who knows- maybe break the "news" to someone who didn't already know it before I did Summertime here. And a KB man much too lazy to do any playing. Maybe come winter. I bought the ME trilogy. I just don't feel like playing - anything- right now
  8. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 237 kudos
    God I don't even know how old my PC is. I got it to play Skyrim on, to upgrade from my old laptop ages ago. 2011? Hnng. Computer talk is still beyond me, I only kind of understood the comments here. But still, 4 years is still a long time to get everything sorted. As long as it works in the meantime is what matters. 
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      My thoughts too. I'm pretty sure that I'd need to shell out quite a fair amount of dollars - or Kroner here if I wanted to buy something better than what I have already. Especially now that I put in that 2070 card As you say; 4 years is a long time to sort things out. Thank you for dropping in Miss M. Much appreciated
  9. lonewanderer345
    • premium
    • 146 kudos
    Reminds me of Trigger's Broom...I barely have the confidence to open the case once a year and give it a whiff around with a can of air, never mind replace the thingies wot make things happen...
    "I've had the same broom for 20 years"
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      I've got my granfather's axe........ (Laughing SO hard ) Yeah well........ There's still the case, MB, ram and CPU. I didn't change the PSU either. And it's still got the SSD I wanted for my c drive. It's now on an M2 though. And......... The worst thing about building a new one, is all the backup you need. Thanks a lot LW
  10. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    Like Lazman555 says, You will be able to get around it. I just did a quick read and it looks like clock spead is the issue. Windows should take care of the thread managment. I can't see any reason a gamer would need an I-9. Better to put the money into a new roof for the house
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 394 kudos
      As far as I can deduct, it has something to do with security. That TPM module. Nothing with speed etc. But sooner or later - 2024 it seems- Win10 will eun out of updates which eventually - as I see it- will make it unsafe from internet point of view. Until then though........ Btw - our roof is old. But it keeps us dry. Good old asbestos
      Thank you OLBM