Fallout 4
Pipe Gun Retexture

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  1. Bersark93
    • premium
    • 201 kudos
    Ooh it's coming along great, I was drawn to the detail of the welding on the stock part it looks so much nicer than vanilla (I mean it all does but for some reason that caught my eye this time) :D
  2. masscorrupted
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    You've really managed to make the pipe guns way more interesting. The fact that you made the drum mag look like a repurposed oil can gives the weapon way more character than it ever had. I also really love the subtle scorch marks around the holes in the oil filter suppressor and the fact that the finned barrel looks like its been warped by heat over time. I love it when a weapon texture tells a story.
    1. gmoi6
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Thanks! I think that was already the intention of the designer of the models (the silencer is an oil filter, for example), but in the end they went with a palette system (the grey/orange color on all the parts), so they couldn’t have details like this.
      My guess is that they initially planned for you to be able to gradually un-rust the pipe weapons as you improve them (like with power armor) otherwise the palette system makes little sense.
    2. masscorrupted
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I kinda get that same impression with nearly every aspect of F4. You look at stuff from the art book (which is incredible btw if you haven't had a look at it) and you get an idea of their intention but the final implementation is just bad. Nearly everything, from art assets to gameplay mechanics,  seems like it was once ambitious but just came out entirely mediocre in the finished game, I'm assuming because of time constraints. Makes me wonder if 4 had a chaotic or troubled development cycle.
  3. jaggedjoshart
    • member
    • 116 kudos
    Gimme dat retexture rn
    1. gmoi6
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Haha, soon!
  4. insaneplumber
    • premium
    • 254 kudos
    Very nice textures.
    1. gmoi6
      • premium
      • 604 kudos