Fallout 4
Randoms - Where there once was life

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This user's image description contains 39 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Deine Kollektionen sind für mich immer wie der virtuelle Besuch einer Kunstgalerie. 
    Danke für diese berührende Inspiration. Ich komme  wieder
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Excellent set of images. 
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much Pat for taking the time and I am glad that you liked them.
      Feel honoured that the main pic made you curious enough to look at the whole set.
      Greetings - AZA1967 (maybe you remember).
    2. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      =O  It's you!  I was wondering what happened to you!  So good to see you back!

      Your screenshots, to me, are works of true art.
    3. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Pat just mentioned the connection in chat. I said, "Well, I'll be darned. I'm already following Unused Sadness." So good to hear from you Aza.
    4. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much to both of you for remembering.
      Was on my way to work at 5 am when I read it - made my day.
      Seriously - Thank you!
  3. Reaper060389
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    Wunderbares Set
    Das sind wirklich einzigartige und tolle Bilder
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Ich danke dir vielmals - sowohl für's vorbeischauen als auch für den lieben Kommentar.
  4. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 113 kudos
    Great job!
    The name fully corresponds to this set of paintings..The atmosphere is 100 percent present..
    That's what "Fallout" should be.. Gloomy, saturated with lifeless shades of color, but at the same time contrasting..
    That's great!
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much.
      The title came to my mind after I realized that every single picture (nice that you called them paintings!) shows once used and loved remains of things or places that belonged to living and breathing individuals - remnants of a wiped out civilisation.
      The atmosphere of the images often depends very much on the ENB I use and the current in-game weather .......and my mood - and this time they all were darker, obviously.
      I have a set from a 'trip' to Miami that I want to release and these images are much 'lighter'.....or at least less depressing.
      Thanks for taking the time!
  5. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    Awesome gloomy captures!!
    A trully post apocalyptic atmosphere!
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you very much for taking the time and for this nice comment.
      Although some of these pictures are not made with the intention to show tristesse, after completing the compilation I realized this melancholic atmosphere that all these traces of long-gone human life represent.
      Not only the dead bodies but every abandoned place, rusty car, empty house, and especially every left behind toy once was filled with life.