Fallout 4
A little trip to the Mojave Desert

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This user's image description contains 58 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Great shots your style is unique, I like it very much!
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much and I am truly glad that you were able to enjoy them.
      I think everybody has it's very own way to look at this virtual worlds ( as well as the real world) - and the image section here at Nexus is the best proof and I hope the future will surprise all of us with many more beautiful, artistic, experimental, and enjoyable pictures.
  2. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Your shots are beautiful, and perfectly capture the feel of the Mojave. And the detail and amount of work you put into these, and your character, are just awesome. 
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Dear Sir, I thank you very much for taking the time to look through this huge amount of pictures - and even more for this very kind comment.
      I also feel very honoured about your friendship request - it's a kind of encouragement to try my best not to disappoint.
      Thank you so much!
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Du hast es echt drauf
    Danke für dieses tolle  Set. Jedes Bild hat etwas besonderes. Mir gefällt Deine Farbpalette .
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Du hast dir alle drei Sets angeschaut? Oh, my  - ich fühle mich echt geschmeichelt.
      Ich danke dir vielmals dafür, außerdem bin ich dir immer noch dankbar für deine Hilfe und den Zuspruch, den du mir damals vor der Veröffentlichung meines allerersten Sets gegeben hast (damals noch AZA1967).
      Nochmal - Vielen lieben Dank!


      Vor einiger zeit habe ich an dich denken müssen, als ich meine Festplatte ein bisschen aufgeräumt habe, dabei stieß ich auf diesen Beitrag von napoleonofthestump , den ich mir gespeichert hatte und seine Antwort auf deinen Kommentar:

      Thank you- that really is good to hear that my words make some sort of sense even internally translated! I feel like you're one of the most adventurous folks around here in terms of trying new compositional tricks- if you're inspired to experiment further I can't wait to see it!

      Ich habe ihm damals schon im Geiste zugestimmt, und je mehr ich von deiner Arbeit gesehen habe umso heftiger wurde mein nicken.
      Deine Sets waren immer eine echte Wundertüte voll erstaunlicher, witziger, träumerischen, experimenteller........mit einem Wort wunderbar  überrachender Bilder. Und ich würde mich sehr freuen (für uns als Betrachter und für dich zu, sagen wir einmal, therapeutischen Zwecken) wenn du wieder Lust hattest das ein oder andere zu machen. Ich kann nur für mich sprechen, aber das umherstreifen in den Spielen, das ausprobieren neuer ENB's, das erforschen neuer Mod-locations, all das erfüllt mich immer mit grosser Freude und Genugtuung und ist eine Legitime Ablenkung und auch Bereicherung wenn meine Stimmung mal wieder unten ist.

      Ich hoffe du nimmst mir diese Anmerkung nicht übel. Pass auf dich auf und bis bald!

      Gruß - Anne

  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Wowser, terrific set!    You have a style unique to you and I always enjoy viewing your shots very much.   So very pleased to see your uploads again.

    I have to ask, where did you run into the super mutant?  I've been all over that darn desert and have yet to spot one.
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much for this really nice comment Pat- makes me blush a bit since I just capture what I see.
      I put no effort into building scenes and fiddling with these poses, although I hope to learn this one day too.

      For the Supermutants: I think it is legit to call the currently build place a desert bowl surrounded by rocky cliffs.
      So you may be able to triangulate the approximate location with the help of this ?picture. It is there at the edge, a bit up in the hills.
      Since the desert itself is relatively empty with enemies, I was really startled when suddenly all these hounds and two or three super mutants appeared......no problem in TGM , but without it, I would have died immediately.Again - Thank you!
    2. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks, I know where that is from your image.  It's the one area we haven't investigated.   Okay, we'll be off to visit them in a bit.

      I think you have a natural ability for what I refer to as a "photographer's eye" in capturing your screenshots.  Do you do photography, because I think you'd do splendidly at it.
    3. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Indeed I loved to take pictures - way back then in the pre-digital times with the old Minolta reflex camera I inherited from my dad, but that is 100 years ago (but I only took photos when I used to go on vacation with my ex-husband......and the last slides are still waiting for their frames. Norway - was so great ........except for the decision to divorce my husband made there ).
      I used to make slides - approximately around 900 while on a 3-week journey........as you see, I always have been excessive .
      Haven't been on a vacation for more than 25 years (I think that disastrous trip to the USA doesn't count) - so this screenarchery is a wholesome surrogate for me since I discovered this opportunity.For the Supermutants: I hope you enjoy your challenge there.
  5. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Quite the big little trip I'd say lol
    Worth the visit though, I enjoy your lonely, desolate way of shooting the landscapes in Fallout. And with this weather/color filter it almost reminds me more of FO3 than NV in some of them.
    Those misty sandstone cliffs and desert flora bring you back though.
    Excellent work with this set, I enjoyed it very much :)
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      ........Quite the big little trip I'd say lol.....Oh my, yes I know  - I am working on my self-restriction.......sadly, the joy of making these shots always let me forget to choose more strictly. I love taking them and I, therefore, love them all - but I vow improvement.
      Even more, I appreciate that you decided to accompany me on the journey and that you were able to enjoy it.
      It's been a really long time since I played FO3 or FNV, and I do not remember very well the colores and atmospheric impression just that I loved it way back then.
      I came to this mod by cormells ?picture and I felt the same as he wrote in his sticky post: I stepped out of the teleporter and at the very same moment I knew where I was and so many remembrances came back with this view.
      I think the team made a very nice job with it so far although there is only this 'bowl' under the statues and the strip to visit right now, which is ok for me since I am just a screenarcher.
      Thank you very much for your very kind comment.
  6. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    Wow really amazing showcase of the Mojave! I really like this shot The Shadows and the layers of light are really interesting

    And that warmth in comparison to the grim scene area a real show of opposites

    I saw that Cormell made a Diner that looked like FNV but what mod are you using that makes you be in the Mojave? Fallout 4 NV?
    Also if you did not know this was a slave pen it would be a different kind of picture

    Excellent showcase of your textures and the PC's strength
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you. 
  7. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 113 kudos
    Beautiful paintings!
    You have an individual approach to creating an image... This style of gloom and hopelessness strikes me again..
    Great atmosphere!
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much.
      I have to admit that this time gloom and hopelessness, as you call it, haven't been my main goal (ok, aside from the grim and morbid atmosphere in Nipton and the general post-apocalyptic aura in the Fallout games) - I just enjoyed the strong sun and with it the prominent game of light and shadows.
      And with this wide sky, I couldn't resist using the different weathers, although they probably didn't fit the real desert climates.
      So, all in all, this time it was more fun than melancholy.

      Again, Thank you, I highly appreciate that you took the time.