Fallout 4
Massachusetts project On the Commonwealth Worldmap

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About this image

Location: Cape Ann, Massachusetts

Towns: Rockport / Glouchester

Goal: To Expand beyond the Fallout 4 Worldspace, keeping in line with the Current lore/ Feel; all while adding new Quest/Locations and Encounters all based off IRL Massachusetts locations and Concept art

Discord for Updates: https://discord.gg/mKQTVJvua2


  1. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Whatever you do with this map, make sure you a few large, flat area so that we can build decent settlements.

    I would kill to have such a decent tabletop area in F04!
    1. KoRuTaKu
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      will do
    2. Radsweeper
      • member
      • 59 kudos
      Thank you for considering!
  2. ImmortalAbsol
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Wasn't Vault 120 supposed to be around there?
    1. KoRuTaKu
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      is there any details ya know on Vault 120 and its Supposed location.....id like to seer clear from it, incase i decide to do a mod like that
    2. ImmortalAbsol
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      I dont mind doing some digging for you but off the top of my head I believe it was supposed to be off the coast in the North East corner of the map.
      If you wanted to add it as a sequel mod or something you totally could even without setting space aside, because it was the underwater vault.
  3. MJWarden
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Amazing feat. More to explore. Keep it up!
  4. GauntM75
    • member
    • 37 kudos
    This is looking just... Stunning. Awseome! Wish you luck on this project.
  5. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Error: Define When/this mod/be on Nexus!