WARS WIP - AR-15 ammo type testing

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This is a video from a FO4 mod I'm working on called Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS).

The WIP thread can be found here.

I've been in the scripting salt-mines for the last month or so, hammering out the extended features in WARS that either build on AmmoTweaks v1 or heavily interact with it. Things like:

- Ammo swapping, Fire Mode cycling and Launcher Mode toggling via hotkeys - as in the STALKER games.
- Weapon condition system (optional), with repairs/cleaning being done at weapon workbenches or with weapon cleaning and repair kits.
- Dropped Mags system (optional and configurable). Reloading before emptying a magazine will drop it into the game world, along with any ammo left in it. (Recoverable if you can find the mag.)
- NPCs also being able to swap ammo types and toggle Launcher Mode. (And drop magazines when they reload.)

I did a kind of "vertical slice" implementation of these features using the AR-15 in WARS, since it uses all of them.

This video shows me testing out a bunch of those features using the AR-15:

Oh, and Testacles the Tester's name is pronounced "test-ah-clees". Definitely not pronounced any other way.