Fallout 4

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I told you I wasn't taking a break from modding, just the modification packs. So here's a sneak peak at my first WEAPON mod! I'm adding a really simple plasma caster. It doesn't have much attachments (ironically for me), but the weapon still packs a punch. I'm hoping the LL work, I've just added it to the plasma gun level lists (hell, I hope so). The model is a bit wonky when it comes to holding it, your hand clips into the side, but it's not too much of a bother in my opinion. I already remade the model once, and trust me, this one is wayyyy better lol. I managed to get my hands on Substance Painter and used the blender experience I have, and this is the result, along with figuring out everything else, the mod is very close to completion! So be ready to see my first weapon mod soon!