Ultra LOD 1

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  1. 84Cronos
    • premium
    • 127 kudos
    This is insane. So how does this work? Did you create low poly LOD models based on the normal ingame models?
    1. Ablaze666
      • premium
      • 375 kudos
      These are high poly models with stripped colission data and some removed branches.
    2. niston
      • premium
      • 453 kudos
      I like it.
    3. 84Cronos
      • premium
      • 127 kudos
      Holy maccheroni. That's going to kill the performance. Why not just take a 3D render program like blender and reduce the meshes or do your own LOD models? I mean I don't try to stop you or anything, but I don't think that a lot of people will be able to play this mod except for the absolute aristocracy with their NASA computers.
    4. Ablaze666
      • premium
      • 375 kudos
      @84Cronos: I would need to optimize around 2500 - 3000 nifs with tools like blender and hope I don't mess up anything in the process. The thing is, I never worked with such a program. By the time I would get the job done I will have a serious burnout and we can buy CPUs then that can process the workload just fine.

      To be honest I don't care much how it runs on not high-end hardware. Sooner or later future mid-range hardware can handle it, the engine can handle it fine right now.