WARS WIP - 12 Gauge ammo type testing 02

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This is an image from a FO4 mod I'm working on called Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS).

The WIP thread can be found here.

I'm currently going through and implementing all the different ammo sub-types in WARS. (On top of setting up the extended features for all the weapons; ammo swapping, Strength requirements, condition, etc.)

Most recently I finished doing the 12 Gauge sub-types, and this video shows me testing those out:

I needed to make a bunch of custom assets (and projectiles, explosions, etc) for 12 Ga, but fortunately most of the ammo types are simpler to do.

This image shows the Flechette round in use.

1 comment

  1. Ragnarr1313
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    This looks fantastic! I look forward to trying it out. :)