Fallout 4
WIP Weapons

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  1. lewisroantree
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Now this I'm looking forward too. Reminds me a lot of the Fallout 76 rendition of the R91 Assault Rifle.

    Might be cheeky of me to ask and hope, but I would love to see some weapon mods for this gun that would let you add-in parts such as Radium Rifle parts, or even paintjobs for the Nuka World Raiders. 
    1. jkruse05
      • premium
      • 314 kudos
      The 76 version was sort of the original intention, but I decided to change things up to sort of lean into the differences. I don't have any plans for paint jobs, but I have been working on some universal elemental muzzles, including a radiation one, that will be included with this mod.
    2. lewisroantree
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Elemental Muzzles I am more than happy to hear about. 

      Been itching for a more updated R91 design like this. Especially if it's gonna be getting attachments like this. Now I'll be able to get a viable replacer for the Far Harbor Radium Rifle and main-game Combat Rifles in one gun. 
  2. Monacoco
    • premium
    • 77 kudos
    These models are looking really cool. The second picture is really reminiscent of the FN FNC. There aren't a lot of lore-friendly weapons out there, so I'm excited to see this finished!
  3. HerrBliztkrieg
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Jkruse, please, if you keep doing this you going to kill someone from over hype.