Fallout 4
North End Project - Progress

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  1. Tacoman2331
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks great!  cant wait to play it
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you so much Tacoman2331, I really appreciate your kind words.  :-)

      I hope to do another write up in a few weeks.  Despite the scale of it, this is a very long term project for me.

      Here's a new test screenshot from the industrial kit I made.  I still need to do structure pieces.

  2. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Following this and happy to see your project is still progressing!

    There is a lot of good stuff in those images...good work!
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you so much for your kind words, Radsweeper!  :-)

      I know my project is super slow going, and I really appreciate that you are taking time reading my post.  Hopefully I'd have more stuff to share soon.
  3. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    It lookin so a gooda that I can almost taste the spaghetti and smell the booze and gunpowder.

    It's always a pleasure to see the updates, even if they are not often. It's really a wonderful treat.
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      It's very nice to see you again, sullyivan!  :-)

      Thank you for your kind words.  It turned out modelling pasta dishes is actually quite difficult for me, though.  Hopefully I can get food dishes done in a way even Italians would approve, lol.

      Hopefully I'll be doing more updates, and not just once a year.  Thank you so much for being there to give me encouragement.  I really appreciate it.
  4. SSGStryker
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    In rare moments, I thought about your project and if it was still among the living.  Nice to see it's still being born, and looking pretty swell. 
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you very much, SSGStryker, that's very kind of you to say!  :-)

      It's a very long term project, as I am learning each skills as I go.  It's been a very interesting journey for sure, and I'm looking forward to getting more stuff done.
  5. codeblackcrash
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    This looks fantastic. I love the intense attention to detail as well as the explanation behind your design decisions. Can't wait to see more!
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you so much, codeblackcrash!  :-) 

      I really appreciate your taking time to read this.  I hope to learn animating weapon use in the coming months.  Pretty sure the first ones will fail, lol, but hopefully things will look better eventually.