Fallout 4
Electron Charge Packs are back

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Another teaser from my upcoming mod Munitions. I've implemented charge packs from Fallout: New Vegas, albeit with a slightly different approach to make it better fit Fallout 4.

Charge packs in Munitions are balanced as a late-game energy weapon ammo type intended for more energy weapons that are more powerful than the standard laser rifle.

To show this off, I will be releasing an update to the Wattz Laser Gun unofficial update that changes the ammo type from fusion cells to charge packs (as well as buffing the damage to fill the role as a late-game energy weapon).

Since fusion cells, cryo cells, and charge packs all use the same mesh, I've added a material swap that can be applied to fusion cells to change the texture accordingly to either cryo cells or charge packs. Here's a screenshot showing this off on a Wattz rifle.


  1. RavenKing95
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    So, will this update make it so that the Wattz can only use these charge packs or is it a case of giving you the option to modify it as you progress into the late game? Still waiting to have that patch ported, by the way. It's surprisingly hard to find someone who'll do it!
    1. codeblackcrash
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      As of now, they're only going to use charge packs. That may change, but that's the current plan.

      I may put out a patch for gmoi6's Zap Gun that allows you to change the ammo type to charge packs, as that would thematically fit the weapon's makeshift/improvised aesthetic.
    2. RavenKing95
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      That's fair enough, especially as (if I've read the description of the Munitions mod correctly), the point is to make the ammunition widely available, but not as common as say, fusion cells. At this rate, you'll have updated the thing before I have a chance to use it as it is now!
  2. NRant
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Can't wait to add this to my LO, great work so far!
    1. codeblackcrash
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      I really appreciate it! I'm excited to get it released. I'll try to start sharing more updates as I finish things up.