Oyster Outpost

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  1. Dapple30
    • member
    • 75 kudos
    Cool build. And the description of mods you use is appreciated. I will check out a couple of those I am not familiar with. Here are a couple of mods I highly recommend to a settlement builder: 

    • CVC
    • Akira's Clutter 
    • Kiro Tab
    1. maxiteo
      • premium
      • 478 kudos
      Thanks for the rec! cVc kinda scares me with "1000s of items" but I might try it for the next few settlements in this new lands mod.
      I also use OCDecorator for some of my builds like Home Plate, but I'm not too satisfied with the layout yet; I usually go from exterior to interior to hand placing stuff.
      As for the last one I think you mean *Kuro tab.
    2. Dapple30
      • member
      • 75 kudos
      Aw yes, thanks for the correction. It can feel overwhelming at first, but it’s also inspiring. All three are quite large with CvC being arguably the largest, but they do add quite a bit of unique assets you can’t get in most mods.

      Note, while Akira’s mod works well, there are items missing and looks Like the mod author isn’t updating any longer, that said no risk in downloading and trying any of these mods. I use em in every one of my settlement builds :)

      Happy building, cheers. 
    3. maxiteo
      • premium
      • 478 kudos
      I just installed cVc and that revamped mod by stuykgaming, the errr successor to alternate settlements, name escapes me, initials are MM...
      Will play with both of them tonight; if cVc has good clutter combos I can afford to skip OCDecorator for the next settlement :D Huzzah!