Fallout 4
The Lost Ranger - Survival 3

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This machine bore the symbol of Vault-Tec, the corrupt organisation that is believed to have caused those bombs to fall over 200 years ago. This was a water purifier, but why was it using this tiny pond as a water source? Vaults were meant to house hundreds of people, well... some of them were. An example being the horrors of Vault 77.
   The Ranger wiped the mould off the metallic surface, revealing the other half of the logo. However, as he rubbed it away with his thumb, he noticed a streak of what appeared to be a marker pen. He began erasing the grime from the purifier to reveal these markings.

'Tace this az far away az posibl' was scribbled in black pen across the lid.

Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from the machine, and it began leaning towards him. It fell towards the Ranger, but he kicked his leg up against it and forced himself away before he could be crushed. This purifier was not connected the the ground... It was dumped here by somebody.
   After a brief session of thought, The Ranger emerged from the water. To his surprise, two men greeted him with pipe rifles, and struck his head with their hilts...