Fallout 4
Vault-Tec Supply Pack soon finished

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On December 14 I posted an image of my Vault-Tec Supply Pack mod and now I show you the progression of the boxes, there are 3 types of boxes:
Small, Medium, Large and as you can see in the image the boxes have different contents and the price increases too.
To get the contents you have to throw them away and recycle them in the workshop menu, this is the only way I found to get the contents, let me know if you have another idea.
There is a vendor at the Edge of the Glowing Sea in an old bar, (I haven't found how to put voices from the game so if anyone is how to do it let me know, thanks )
there is a small problem nothing very serious if you get the box and you throw it from your inventory the box floats because I can not create this physics 

It arrives soon the mod 


  1. SSGStryker
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    I'm sure many of us have always wanted to bust into those cases and get at the goodies they contained, even if just food rations.  This is a great little mod.  If you could do something similar with some of the shipping containers all over the place, that would be super great. 
  2. crestyman
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Looking forward to this.