Fallout 4
The Fens Sheriff's Department - Coming soon Plug 2

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  1. CaptianNeoNeil
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Can't wait ^^ 
  2. Sonja
    • member
    • 181 kudos
    Aside from the fact that the FO4 modding scene is… kind of slow, this mod is why I haven't really added anything new to my load order in recent months. I do not want to risk hitting the BA2 limit.
    Because I still need to finish The Bleachers on this play-through, it will be a while, likely, before I install this, but it's definitely been my most anticipated FO4 mod for a long time. 
    Just a question, I already have some of the mods that will be included in FSD… aquariums, jewellery, immersive candles, hot coffee (at least I think I read those will be part of FSD ???)… what do you suggest as the best way to proceed? I don't generally remove mods mid-game, so I'm just wondering. Will it be sort of like The Bleachers, in that FSD will act as an update/replacer?
    1. MunkySpunk
      • premium
      • 813 kudos
      Immersive candles is not part of the FSD mod.

      As you said, you're not installing FSD for a while, so proceed as you are right now. You want to scrap any workshop items you've placed before uninstalling their respective mods. That's just standard practice for workshop mods.

      FSD is an update/replacer for Bleachers.
    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      OK, thanks, I just wanted to double-check. 
  3. Nordforwhow
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Munky... you did the voice for Dr. Pepper? Also, no apologies needed or explanations. Thank you for sharing all the great stuff that brightening up the great green jewel and the atom cats. 
    1. MunkySpunk
      • premium
      • 813 kudos
      Yes. That's me. I do several voices in the sequel, although DP remains my only major one.
  4. Darqcrimson
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Sounds epic, really looking forward to this.