About this image
WARS and PEACE... difficult mods, made in difficult circumstances. Especially WARS. If you've been following their long development, you'll know what I mean.
It's finally time for the closed beta, though!
I've been testing both mods myself for a couple of months now; just playing the game normally, with them installed. I've been fixing bugs and re-balancing things as I go, but that side of things has been slowing down lately, so I think it's time to get some people in to help me with beta-testing.
Being a closed beta, this isn't open to the public. Instead, if you're interested in getting early access to WARS and PEACE and helping me out by reporting any problems I didn't run into myself, I'd very much appreciate it. Let me know in the WIP thread for either WARS or PEACE if you'd like to help out, and I'll send you a PM with a link to where you can download the mods.
I'm especially interested in hearing from people who expressed interest in helping with the beta in the past, because it has been a while, and I wouldn't want you to be left out if you're still interested.
Testers will get access to both WARS and PEACE, and all the compatibility/support patches I've made so far for both of them. I'd recommend using both WARS and PEACE since they're designed to be used together, but you can use just one or the other if that's the only one you're interested in.
Also available to testers are the illustrated tutorials I wrote on how to make WARS or PEACE support patches for third-party mods. So if you've got a favourite weapon or armour mod that you just can't imagine playing the game without, and want to get a head-start on making it compatible with WARS or PEACE, that'd be great!
As for what I'd be expecting from testers:
Both WARS and PEACE are overhaul mods, so you'll need to start a new game to use them - and if you've already got an established load order, you'll probably have to tinker with it a bit. Notably; third-party weapon mods will need a patch to be used with WARS, and third-party armour/clothing mods will need a patch to be used with PEACE.
So any mods like that you've already got installed will need to be disabled for now (unless they happen to be a mod I've already made a patch for.) If your mod manager supports multiple profiles, this might be a good time to use that feature, and create a profile for WARS/PEACE.
Beyond that, I'd just want you to play the game normally with the mod/s installed, and let me know about any bugs - or if something seems poorly balanced or un-fun or whatever - in the WARS/PEACE WIP threads. (I'd prefer it to be in the WIP thread/s so that everyone is on the same page and knows what's been reported and what hasn't.)
I'll appreciate the help. :-)
Edit (08-06-23):
Thanks to everyone who's offered to help as a tester. :-)
I think there are enough testers now - and WARS and PEACE are close enough (relatively speaking) to full release - that it's time to close beta applications. New testers probably wouldn't get long enough with the mods for it to be worthwhile, at this stage.
No ETA yet for the full release, but the main thing left to do is just to take (more) screenshots and work out the formatting for the Nexus pages for the mods and patches.
Edit (24-03-24):
WARS and PEACE are available now. (Have been for a while now.) Just follow the links there.
(I thought I should add those links here since people seem to still be stumbling across this specific image share, through whatever means.)
Also, I'm curious so I've got to ask: how did you come to post this question in the image share section, rather than on the WARS page itself? (I mean my guess would be that it was via searching on google or something... Maybe I'll add links to the mod pages to the description here, since people still seem to be coming across it.)
You'd probably want to start by duplicating the vanilla Assault Rifle records (i.e. not the edited versions of them in WARS) as new records, and then edit those to make them compatible with WARS.
If FO4VR can handle the F4SE-dependent mods that WARS relies on, it seems like it should be fine?
I can't imagine there being any problems related to PEACE.
I know you're not taking new testers at the moment, but if you're feeling generous, I certainly won't say no to the pair of WIPs to see what's on offer.
One of the testers also reported the lack of third-person animations for the AR-15 as a bug, so - realising that if WARS released without them I'd get a lot more reports along those lines - I decided that I'd better give it some. (They're conversions of Hitman47101's original first-person anims.)
So I've been busy with animation stuff. That's done now though, and I've started work on the formatting, screenshots, etc that I mentioned in that edit.
So no, absolutely not.