Fallout 4
Vault 111 The Child Prodigy Image 03

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a  Playable Child mod I have been developing over the past 2 years.

The story - Chloe, Nate and Nora's eldest child... Frozen in time, waking
up to both her parents dead. The last image of her mother alive, was her
being shot in the head... Nate, was accidentally never refroze and
starved to death in his Cyro Pod. 200 years later, Chloe's pod opens
randomly, and she seeks to find her last living family member, her baby
brother, Shaun.

SIDE NOTE: The mod will not be released until my real life daughter is 12, She wants to play the role but I'm waiting for her voice to mature a
bit more so she can voice act every line in the game with new dialog
that matches chloes role.

- Nate; Hey, I was thinking we can go to the park in a bit.

- Nora's line, "what, so I can get pregnant again"  Will b replaced with,
"Yeah that sounds like fun, I bet Tommy will be there."

ect ect.


  1. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    She looks super cute,  just keep in mind that there are alot people who enjoy child characters for the wrong reasons... since your putting your daughters voice in it. I made a FNV child overhaul and the creeps came out of the wood works.
    1. danwat801
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Not worried about them... Would rather they keep it in fantasy context then out there hurting real people.
      Plus I kinda already figure they would come a' creepin. lol...
      but... what do you do? Never make anything child related, ever, because of a 1% minority? Know what I mean?
    2. CrackedCeramic
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I do indeed know what you mean.. Things like that get stifling for a creator real quick.. Whether ur offending someone or attracting the wrong crowd, I hate to think about it so I just don't, lmfao. 

      Easy, simple living.. 
    3. danwat801
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      My art teacher once told me, True art always offends one person and excites another because true art digs into your soul and makes you question your reality, your morals, and what is possible. Art is philosophy with a paint brush.
    4. nivea
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      • 1,113 kudos
      Yeah normally I agree with that (I most the time just ignore what people think or use my mods for), but when you start seeing porn pics with your content in it dealing with children it was to much for me to want to keep working on it.

      But its just a friendly heads up, if your ready for then that is good. I knew someone who was working on kid mod for Skyrim and then got upset about the stuff as well, better to just put a heads up. :)

      Sadly its more then 1%, since they seek out this content. :\
      I look forward to her release.
    5. danwat801
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      • 22 kudos
      Thanks. I understand what it is... The way I look at it is, a lot like a gun salesman. I provide a service  and its up to the user to use it responsibly. If they dont... It's their ass on the line, not mine.

      I hope its not more then 10%... lol...
      That would make them more common then gays... :/
      and if we consider gays normal by sheer volume...then... what does that make them?... O.O

      Scary world we live in    >_>

      *Hides in Closet*


      In all seriousness though, if they DID do some crap like that, at which, they will... we all know it...
      Its 1's and 0's... digital code... I cant say I care... I'd honestly perfer they spend those hours playing with a doll, then stalking real kids.
  2. Shayeramayadisk
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    But she can't play this game at 12 years old, it's rated M :p

    Jokes aside I think it's so amazingly cool that you're immortalizing your daughter in the game. What an awesome parent she has :)
    1. danwat801
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      • 22 kudos
      Thank you. She loves the game. All I do is disable gore and the game isnt that bad. Plus, shes a weirdo and likes things like The Walking Dead and Horror movies. so this is right up her Alley. :P
  3. CrackedCeramic
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Aww s#*! that.. That's adorable.. Still aint gon stop me from adopting all the other kids in the commonwealth tho.
    1. danwat801
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      • 22 kudos
      Orphans = Free Mutifruit Labor. xD