Fallout 4
Take me to the River

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Prologue: I pray for the river, it's full of blood

On stage, he stands in simple button down and slacks. He can’t see thatfar ahead due to the lights flashing into his face. An audience cheers on from
what feels like a void. The lights are suffocating, hot and bright. The pain in
his chest throbs and without control, he’s looking down. The handle of a knife
is coming out of his chest, he doesn’t know how it got there. It flickers, then
disappears. In confusion he doesn’t notice the stage has fallen away around
him. Looking up, he’s surrounded by mirrors, blank, empty, broken. Without
warning, a metallic hand reaches out in front of him, grabbing onto his face.
He’s pulled into the mirror, breaking through into a small space. He’s
surrounded by strange robotic skeletons in piles around him. He doesn’t know
what they are or why he’s seeing them. Metal hands reach out from the pile,
grabbing onto his body, slowly pulling him in. the world around him fades to
black, he can’t scream, only struggle...