Fallout 4
Anarchy's Child WIP

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A couple pics of my upcoming outfit mashup.  Something I got the idea for more than a year ago, but kept putting it off.
The mod is mostly finished, but far from fully tested.  Also, taking screenshots and setting up the mod page takes time.  Thus, it likely won't be coming out for a while: middle of next week at the earliest.  Still, let me know if you're excited, or even just like the look.  There will be a lot of customization, so Hopefully there's a bit of something for everyone here.
EDIT: testing revealed the recurrence of a major bug.  Every time you take damage with a "shirt" version of the outfit equipped, instant CTD without error message.  Mod is otherwise 98% done, but now delayed indefinitely.  DM me if you'd like me to front-burner this, otherwise I'll get to it... eventually.