A great idea how to place turrets in a stream

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I use the monument base from the Decorations tab (miscellanous) in settelemtn build menu to create this base for my turret mid stream.
The Sanctuary build line goes about until the middle of that stream.

Never thought of this before, but now my automatic defensesI can detect and engage enemies earlier!


  1. Sinapus
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    At Sanctuary that might help a bit. There's a random encounter spawn point near that dock along the shore of that lake/pond near Sanctuary. Some spawns have enemies that move towards Red Rocket. The turrets might be able to engage them.
    1. 363rdChemicalCompany
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      I also think its funny when the Bloatflies attack my  turrets.