Fallout 4
Eve Of Destruction

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos

    Maybe I'm an alarmist, maybe I'm a pessimist -- it don't matter. I'm  an old cantankerous fool and won't be around much longer anyway.  But I do care about my grandchildren. I worry and pray every day for their safety and the world they are inheriting.

    And for a vintage perspective, the Eve of Destruction with some 'Nam clips.
  2. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Yeah , and judging the current situation it's not looking up anytime soon.  It's not a great thing that we, humans, can't seem to evolve this particular need to kill each other for no other reason then petty power struggles . It seems to be a part of our DNA and pretty much set in it's ways. Not fair at all if you see the great progress we, as humans, have made on so many other fields.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Wise words. But worse than "petty power struggles" -- those who want wars only to make a profit.
    2. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Yeah ,  agreed  
  3. Karna5
    • premium
    • 294 kudos
    This is fantastic, Laird! :)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thank you, sir.
  4. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Last year I was planning on doing a "destruction" set & that song was going to be at the bottom. Great minds think alike, eh?
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      How about that? And unfortunately, it's only gotten worse.
    2. blu377
      • supporter
      • 189 kudos
  5. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Two images that sadly say all that has be to said lately. We had a small window of balance a while back and now its dangerously close to being over. Fools playing with the ultimate fire and and not wondering what could go wrong. Yeah. Not the most comforting of times indeed.

    I am no longer a youngling myself, I miss less uncertain times...

    Nice pair of images Laird!
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      I don't know what the analogy is for these proxy wars. Maybe something like the gods playing with pawns on the battlefield back and forth. But eventually Mars gets pissed, and charges wielding his spear. Then Zeus enters the fray and retaliates with a lightning strike. Game on and the battlefield itself along with everyone is destroyed. 

  6. MaxRage808
    • supporter
    • 186 kudos
    I'm wondering how close we are to the same situation you described. o.O
    Shiny gif
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Too close. Like Bernt said, I'm afraid to look at the Doomsday Clock that the experts at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists maintain. The last time I checked in Feb '22, it was at 90 seconds to midnight.

      Thanks. I found a site that converts MP4 to gif for free.
  7. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Mad men with power playing power games with the lives of the pawns at stake I'm getting up in age myself. But a great grandaughter is set to arrive in time for christmas.
    I wonder how close the doomsday clock is to midnight. On the other hand........ I'm not sure I'd like to know
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Wow, old man. How about that! My oldest grandchild is 22, but no great grandchildren on the way yet. I didn't read as much back when and didn't delve deeper into the politics. Lately I've been getting an eye and earful of the clandestine shenanigans and tricks they pulled back then (and now).

  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Excellent love the gif thingy and accompanying music :))
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thank you. I found a free MP4 to gif converter. Neato. It's the first time I've ever used one
  9. BanditFamily
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    Georges Clémenceau said: "War is too important a matter to be left to the military alone".
    We can see the result.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Amen to that.
  10. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    It sickens me when I hear some friggin' idiot talking about how the US "Has To" support yet another corrupt regime that we put in place, and how "evil" the other side is. f*#@ 'em, you go fight the war asshole. Cannot believe we have brought back the proxy wars that dominated the world in the 60's & 70's, and people are somehow so ignorant that they are cheering for it. And if a nuke gets tossed? I very much doubt it will be used by the "evil" guys. It will be us.  
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Proxy wars, yeah,
      and there are more hot spots than just Ukraine. Messing around in several fun places like west African countries or even Haiti, but they probably don't matter, won't amount to much (barring global war). However, the lines are being drawn now in the Middle east, sides are being chosen between Israel and Iran. Ukraine is yesterday's news unless Putin decides to march his troops to the Polish border (highly unlikely unless WW III actually starts - he could use the wheat). Drawing the lines -- Is Turkey really in NATO, is India with BRICS or the west, and so on? The Israeli war is likely to become a time for choosing sides.

      The Ukraine war? Well, it's just a fund raiser for the military-industrial complex and the Washington elite at this point. Ukraine can't win. Congress needs to de-fund it immediately. We have other problems to deal with . And the American public grows weary of being the cash cow for Zelensky's war. They lost, time to make peace. Is it the equivalent of the Third Reich taking Poland? Maybe, but I doubt it.

      Tossing a nuke. That's kinda why I brought this up, since the subject was loosely tossed around after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In the early days when it was thought that somehow the Ukrainians might drive the Russians back to the Volga River. And thereby, the Russians would be threatened enough to use a "tactical battlefield" nuke. Uh huh. No, that was never a realistic possibility with either Russia or Belarus (who also threatened to use nukes). You see, this war was not about saving the so-called democracy of Ukraine. No, it was all about making the military-industrial complex and the DC establishment rich. So what if a 100,000 Ukies or so get killed in the process. No worries, it's the Benjamin's, baby.

      True enough, America is the only country to ever have used nukes, but in this case I gotta disagree. Not us, not this time. The Israelis do not admit it, but it's no secret that they have nukes. This is, or could be, a fight to the end for them. So far only Yemen has declared war, other than Hamas, but if Iran or other Arab countries join in -- and Israel is pushed to the edge of annihilation -- Nettanyahu will push the button. No doubt.
    2. etholas
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      My question is, what happens if Ukraine falls to Russia? Will Putin stop there? Will he (or his successor) ultimately target Poland or another NATO country? What happens if the West allows them to continue? What future awaits Europe and consequently her allies? What about treaties that have been struck. Ukraine was given assurances of protection in exchange for her nuclear weapons (which she surrendered). What does the West and NATO's response say about the value of those treaties?
    3. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      The Budapest Memorandum (1994). You're quite  right, everybody agreed to it in principle and Ukraine surrendered the Soviet nukes. The counter argument is that parts of Ukraine have been either Polish or Russian at various times. Or part of the Holy Roman Empire for all I know, if not Austro-Hungarian.  And the Russian speaking people of the Donbas region voted in 2014 that they wanted to be part of Russia. The population is primarily ethnic Russian. Since 2014, the Ukies have been bombarding the Donbas as if they were enemies rather than part of Ukraine. Given that, one could argue, with good cause, that the Ukrainians are the aggressors. Indeed Putin argued that when he invaded the Donbas region. A war to liberate the Russians living there. Look, I don't buy any of this crap. It's all geo-politics muddied by corruption and profit motives.

      The big question, as you point out, is whether Putin wants to take eastern Europe to rebuild that part of the Soviet Union. That's more serious. I don't know what he intends to do, and neither does anyone else except Vladmir himself. My personal feeling is he doesn't intend to do that, not until WWIII breaks out. Then all bets are off.
    4. gmg2dave
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      Russia is NOT interested in taking Ukraine. If they wanted it, despite all the BS spewed by the media and the "experts" talking about it, they would have taken it about day three of the conflict. Look at where Russia's lines are now, versus where the Russian's lines were at the start of the conflict. They haven't advanced one inch. They are Not interested in going any further than the Donbas region. The people there are Russian, they voted to stay Russian, and before the invasion Ukraine was shelling them. Russia invaded the area to protect the people there who voted to become part of Russia. 

      The "counter-offensive" that was launched by Ukraine, with training and equipment provided by NATO, that was supposed to punch through the Russian's lines and sever the landbridge between Russia and Ukraine went exactly nowhere. They NEVER even made it as far as the Russian's First line of defense. (Of which they have three heavily fortified, and dug in lines, as reported by the NY Times way back at the start of the invasion. They even had aerial photos of the trench networks that Russia had dug.) Every bit of the equipment, the APC's/tanks/vehicles and troops that took part in it got destroyed on the first day. Just a thought, trying to advance across open fields, during the day, when you have a total lack of anything resembling air cover, means you get stomped. And that is exactly what happed. Russian artillery, drones and the minefields stopped them cold. 

      Mind you, all of this crap could have been avoided because it was the US and NATO that was pushing this "war" from the get go. It has been Russia's policy, and the USSR's policy, from the very beginning of the Warsaw Pact that they would not allow a NATO country on their border. Just like we wouldn't allow Mexico to become part of the Warsaw Pact. Like we lost our minds over Cuba becoming part of the Warsaw Pact, and long range missiles being put into the country. Putin repeatedly told the West he would NOT tolerate Ukraine becoming part of NATO and we still pushed for them to join. This "war" despite all the bluster, all the BS spewed about it, was about $$, as Cormell pointed out. 
  11. VoDovahKiin
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Well said and greatly captured with a spot on song choice. 
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks, just getting some thoughts off my chest in perhaps a less than subtle way. It's just that I never imagined that we would see what has boiled up world wide once again. It's like 1914 and 1933 all over again.