Fallout 4
a weird beauty

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  1. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Aye, Fallout 4 really does have a weird beauty to it. With your jamie and mods it's much more beauty than weird.

    Those hours missing out on sleep and spending it with Fallout 4 instead doesn't always feel like a total waste, even if I'm just tweaking mods and not playing, when I can't sleep.

    I hope you are doing a little better and that sleep returns to some level of normalcy for you soon. Take care.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      i mainly stopped modding. i guess i found a relaxed green lifetime setup for me and i like to run it from time to time.
      i don't like updates, especially not "paid mod" updates...
      many thanks for your kind words.
  2. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Your game is looking awesome & ofc it's always nice to see Jamie
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      thanks, much appreciated! very nice therapy for sleepless nights...
  3. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 144 kudos
    Fantastic set, starring the amazing Jamie! And also, your game itself as a costar (co-star??) along wtih Jamie, of course! It looks so good!

    While I still love Skyrim more, in large part due to Alex and our stories, I am having an absolute blast playing Fallout 4 this time in my second playthrough, with a much better looking game than the first time. That first playthrough was on my GTX 1060 3GB, so it was not heavily modded at all. Mods for Piper, Cait, and Curie, and a few others. This time my game looks so much better, and has several new quest mods as well.

    Back to your game, I love seeing Jamie and your crew, and also the glowing Nuca Quantum earrings! What a great combination with that spike bat or whatever it is called!

    Hope you got some sleep! And that you have a great weekend!
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      yes and at least at the weekend no dates...
      skyrim and fo4 - i like both games. they are timeless playable. i modded them for years but since skyrim ae i try to freeze the setups. nothing good is coming from this...