Fallout 4
Texture bug with mod enabled

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  1. Glitchfinder
    • premium
    • 714 kudos
    Fun fact! While I can't be sure about your specific case, I do know this bug can be triggered by loading too many mods with texture archives. Instead of contributing to the BA2 limit crash like normal archives, texture archives break the game's texture atlas when you have too many, and the end result looks like that. And like this:

    1. jonnyboi1992
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the response. Is there a way to surpass the BA2 limit or is it some kind of 2k/4k texture issue? Sadly I'm a caveman when it comes to troubleshooting.
    2. jonnyboi1992
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Or is there a certain mod that I may have that causes this?
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 714 kudos
      Unfortunately, it isn't tied to texture size or anything like that. The BA2 limit is just a limit with the game's engine, and it is one that has not been fully identified.