Fallout 4
The Limits of AI

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I can’t believe guys get paid to make this kind of bullshit!
I thought we hit rock bottom, but no!
Now they’re attacking the earth’s crust.....


  1. clauDA
    • member
    • 235 kudos
    Yeah! Pi.....on the AI. Lol. Have a nice weekend.   (-;
    1. BanditFamily
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      • 31 kudos
      I had thought of inventing the concept of "authentic stupidity" but I see that some thought of it before me. xD
      More seriously, this is presented to us as a real progress but I rather have the feeling that as usual it will only serve the same people who will use it only for military purposes, mass surveillance and to put people in tune.
      You too have a nice weekend.
    2. clauDA
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      • 235 kudos
      Many people have and will lose their jobs as a result...
    3. BanditFamily
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      That's for sure! In agriculture, health, education and many other areas. That's the progress.
      The problem is, when the AI realizes she’s getting pissed on,  I fear greatly of what will become of us. But as they say in my house, it’s not once you s#*! yourself that you have to squeeze your butt.
    4. clauDA
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      • 235 kudos
      art dies first... "I fear greatly of what will become of us."  +1
      Maybe I'll have an answer tonight in the form of a picture.
    5. BanditFamily
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      • 31 kudos
      I admit that I did not dare to talk about it because it is a sensitive subject on Nexus. But since you are talking about it I will give you my opinion on the issue. I hope it won’t take too long.
      Personally I do not consider that the screenshots I make are art proper. The approach may be artistic but I only use the video game as a tool to make an illustration. For me it’s more DIY than anything else. The truth is that I have no talent for drawing or painting but I am a great admirer of people who are real illustrators. I could name dozens, Jim Holloway, Juan Gimenez, Angus Mc Bride and many others.
      Coming back to the use of AI in art and especially on Nexus, what bothers me is the attitude it expresses. Not to offend anyone, because after all everyone does what he wants or very often what he can, it is the expression of laziness. I say it at the risk of getting everyone’s anger, but that’s what I think.
      Recently I saw a screenshot that was clearly an illustration made with the AI and there was a comment that said "very well done" and I thought, how can we make this kind of comment knowing that the person who posted this image did nothing, except describe the image he or she wanted to see appear?
      I do not know if I am very clear in my explanation. All this to say that from my point of view AI will not pull people upwards but on the contrary it will only comfort them in this ambient idleness that characterizes our society. People want everything and immediately without making any effort. Moreover, the adjective "artificial" is not insignificant.
    6. Bernt
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      • 383 kudos
      The comment was mine. And going back - and thinking about it- I admit that you are right. Sadly so. Because it means I was on autopilot, not really noticing the AI in the description 
    7. BanditFamily
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      • 31 kudos
      I’m sorry, I think I misspoke. Excuse me.
      It was not a criticism, just a simple observation. I would not say that you were on autopilot. We are all the same, if we come on Nexus it’s for mods but also to see good images and from this point of view, the image was not bad but it is not the expression of a real inspiration but rather an interpretation made by a machine and I find it really sad. I mean, we all have ideas (good or bad, it doesn’t matter) and sometimes we get frustrated that we can’t realize what we have in mind but does it deserve to rely on AI? I think our answers are similar. And to be perfectly honest, the use of it is just appalling. Well, there I will definitely put people against me but at least one can not blame me not to be frank. lol
    8. Bernt
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      • 383 kudos
      @BanditFamily: No excuses. Because you are right. And I wholeheartedly agree. Another thing - which I try to bear in mind- is that the written word can only convey so much. And being from different countries - even cultures- makes it even more tricky to convey what you really mean without running the risk of being misunderstood. Been there a couple of times here on the Nexus. Fortunately nothing worse than a couple of PMs managed to set things straight.
    9. everywomans
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      • 25 kudos
      To me art, music, literature, or any of the other arts, is the attempt by a person or persons, to communicate something to another human being, to evoke a thought or a feeling or memory or emotion or something human. Marcel Duchamp, a french 20th century artist, showed that a person could take anything in the world and show it to another person as an expression of art, if there was something in the object that the artist felt could affect someone else. Thus a bottlerack could be selected and presented to someone else as a work of art. It is the act of selection and presentation that the artist makes that is important. Whether it is good or bad is another matter. A machine or a profit-making corporation can synthesize something that seems to be art, but it is the human-to-human communication that makes the art meaningful as such. So, if a person manufactures or selects something that AI or a technician makes, and finds that meaningful as an object of art, enough to convey that to another person, that seems like art to me, not the object itself.  Someday, in the far future, when AI can experience the wider world as a separate being, rather than merely being fed information into it by humans, that is to say when it is independent, then my definition of art could be extended to other sentient beings, silicon or otherwise. There are now carbon based beings professing to make art, but are in reality producing something else, such as commerce. An AI product, no matter how skillful or well made, can now be art only when a person intentionally displays that product in an attempt to evoke a response, hopefully a resonant response or counter response in another person or persons. AI is now only a tool for the artist, not the artist itself, similar to a paintbrush, camera, dynamite, chisel, screen, pixels, or mortar. Of course, this is subject to change in the future, more than anyone alive can currently forsee.
      In matters other than art, such as mentioned by others, here, my words above do not apply nor are they intended to apply.
    10. clauDA
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      • 235 kudos
    11. BanditFamily
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      • 31 kudos
      I understand what you mean and basically I agree with you. However it raises the question of what is meant by "art"? the concept is so abstract that it can be applied to anything and everything.
      What troubles me about AI is that it is precisely devoid of emotions and I think that’s what bothers many people.
      This does not mean that an image produced by AI does not provoke emotions, however, can we attribute these emotions to the person who used AI to create an image? I’m not so sure.
      I think this is an ongoing issue. To be honest, I made this image with a humorous purpose because it made me laugh to imagine a robot endowed with an "artificial" intelligence to be urinated on by a dog without even realizing that it is precisely urinated on. I didn’t expect it to create such a debate but maybe subconsciously I was hoping. That said I do not regret because at least it creates an exchange of opinion.
    12. everywomans
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      • 25 kudos
      I agree it is ultimately impossible to define art. I just wanted to express what it means to me and likely many other similar people.
      How does AI respond to the questions: What is human art to you? What is AI art to you, AI?
      Ideobabble? LOL.
      Would the replies even mean anything except for making sense verbally?
      Get out there and live, AI, then maybe we can talk after a dog has pissed on an appendage of yours!
    13. everywomans
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      • 25 kudos
      LOL. Good Hal. Sing me a Daisy a Day, now. Slowly ... very slooowwwly.
    14. everywomans
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    PS. The Limits of AI

    1. BanditFamily
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Wie du sagst, die Möglichkeiten sind fast endlos und wir wissen nicht, wohin uns das führen wird, selbst wenn ich eine kleine Ahnung von der Antwort habe.


      Das ist meiner Meinung nach eine sehr wahrscheinliche Konsequenz, aber diejenigen, die diese Art von Technologie und Lebensmodell fördern, denken nicht an die Folgen, und selbst wenn sie sich dessen bewusst sind, kümmern sie sich wie um den Teufel. Sie haben nur den unmittelbaren Gewinn und die Kontrolle, die sie auf die meisten ausüben können.
      Natürlich wissen du und ich, wer gewinnt, und was uns zu Menschen macht, die keine KI brauchen, um ihr Leben in vollen Zügen zu leben, ist, dass wir uns um diejenigen kümmern, die die Verlierer sein werden. Das ist der Unterschied zwischen uns und diesen bösen Menschen, auch wenn es nicht viel braucht, um die Grenze zu überschreiten.
      Kümmere dich um dich, mein Freund, und verbringe ein schönes Wochenende.
  3. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    "authentic stupidity" ideology...

    1. BanditFamily
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      An ideology, that's exactly it. Stupidity elevated to the rank of science. Why make efforts when others are laying technologies to compensate for gaps that we do not want to fill ourselves.