Fallout 4
wasteland adventure

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  1. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 144 kudos
    Jamie! Piper! Cait! (I hope you noticed Jamie got an extra )

    Your game looks amazing, and I really like your versions of Piper and Cait. Piper has always been my favorite in my game, but Cait is so close, as I think we have discussed before. I really need to do a Fallout 4 set soon for my current (2nd) playthrough. Anyway, fantastic set, my friend!!

    PS: Your game looks so good, that you almost don't notice how good it is at first - because it looks so real! Especially with Jamie to notice first!

    PPS: In the 5th image with Jamie and another girl, is that a settler or is that Curie? She reminds me of Curie, but I think that might be because of her hairstyle and at least in my game, her hair color too. I am very curious, because if that IS a settler... I need some better settlers!
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      thanks for commenting so nice! i rally like the whole current game and setup. it is just fun.

      one thing i found out. there is an instability with using aft with 3 followers. in a complex area i was able to reproduce a ctd running with them. this does not happen without followers.
      i have to look into it.

      the rest are all settlers, no curie :). female settlers look really nice, some better or at least as good as jamie.
      i use "better settlers 2.0" and "beautiful female settlers 2.0"
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 144 kudos
      Okay, this is odd. I have both Better Settlers 2.0 AND Beautiful Female Settlers 2.0 - BUT - Beautiful Female Settlers was not active (not mod or plugin in MO2) so I went back to my previous playthrough profile, and it was the same. Now, that doesn't mean that my previous profile didn't get messed up. I will try to reload an old save on that profile and see if the BFS plugin shows up as missing. I have also had a decent percentage of settlers that have no hair, and I wonder if this is why! If I disable and enable them, or maybe recycleactor them, they will reset to a new settler - so it is more annoying than anything. But I also noticed that my settlers don't seem to look as good as my last playthrough. I was thinking maybe it was because I gave a lot of them wigs, which might be true. But now I am thinking it my be that Beautiful Settlers wasn't active. In fact, I don't have the Sanctuary beacon active because for sure I want that settlement to have the most gorgeous girls, and I just have seen that many yet. Hopefully you have just solved that problem for me.

      As for CTD's and AFT - please keep me informed. But I usually have Piper and Cait with me, along with Heather or more recently Valkyrie - because they both can barter and I love to loot stuff. Especially decent armor parts, which I take back for my settlers. And it is me... so I always turn the armor parts invisible at the armor work bench. So they are protected well, but you don't see the armor. Haha, don't judge me - I like what I like! So in the middle of a fire fight, I often loot any thing with a value to weight ratio of 10 or above. When things are calm or I get to much junk, I sell stuff to my extra follower.

      Sorry, rambling again. The point is, I have not had CTDs just walking or running. But I have had several CTDs fast traveling to Sanctuary. I also have what I might call a virtual CTD, meaning it isn't a CTD but I die immediately - which is almost worse. This seems to happen most often if I fast travel while taking radiation damage. Not sure if the AFT issue might be adding to that.

      Anyway, let me know if you find something, and I will do the same for you.
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      i found the follower ctd issue by chance and because ctd are rare in my game. i always try to find and solve any instability that appears instantly. that's why collections are a no go forever in my fo4 and skyrim. 
      i released dogmeat, cait and piper and the ctd is gone. since it was in a specific area, running in a loop i hope this was a specific area related issue. we will see...
      since years no automatic installations or load order features are activated in my game. a reason why i use mo2 and tools like vortex would be a nightmare for me. i'm getting old in the meantime and i treat these setups as gems. full stability in bethesda games is rare but almost guaranteed in my setups.

      your settler problems are hopefully limited to hair and load order. check all recommended mods again. i know azar hair for example is one of them or even required.
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    If you can't rule the world, at least rule your own settlement. Good set.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      thank you! not the real world for sure. but jamie is about to rule the boston world including dlc. now over 100 settlements and it all works stable without much hassle. i dropped sim settlements for stability reasons. some help and support to do... ;)
  3. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 379 kudos
    Great song for a wonderful set.
    That song was the theme for one of my favorite cult classic type movies starring Val Kilmer.
    Beautiful character scenes and landscapes. Your game looks awesome.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      no top gun without val kilmer! this was 1986!
      thanks a lot, gurley! time for me to watch the movie i was not aware...
  4. arghTease
    • premium
    • 206 kudos
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      thanks a lot, my friend!