Fallout 4
The Commonwealth

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  1. bits01
    • premium
    • 184 kudos
    Hi there :) Nice atmosphere you got in your game. And the guides are looking fine as well :)
    Like the combination of old and new. The water one of your char is very arti - like it! Thinking of making a small series with some of my favs now I have seen this.
    And then probably will rap things up for the time being. 
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Bits :)

      I took a series of the water shots, blowing out the lighting. The two I picked (Keth diving and Doggo swimming) probably weren't the best looking of set but I'm more attached to them then the scenery so went with those. Keth, of course, permeates all my shots.

      A gallery of your favs would be eye dropping, you always have such a wonderful eye for imagery.

      I'm still on my spare PC right now. My current one went to the shop as it wouldn't turn on one day two weeks ago. I got it back and it lasted a day before it happened again. So, now at the shop getting a new motherboard. My spare can play all my games, and I updated drivers, mods, games, OS, so its current again ... but also why I have access to some old images.  A little aimless game wise as modded games I can't easily carry game saves over when I get my PC back, although non or low modded ones I will, so mainly mucking around.

      It isn't like I need to see the end of FO4 or Skyrim or C2077 so playing is more just enjoying the atmosphere, my chars, taking images, and doing some quests/missions/exploring. I'll leave the progress in my saves on my spare when the PC comes back ... and they will be there should I need to use the spare again.

      Anyhow any ideas on what you will play next?
    2. bits01
      • premium
      • 184 kudos
      Hi there,
      I'll be playing F4 mainly because it has become my 'new Skyrim'. I actually ended F4 only once and have been avoiding the main storyline since. I really like that story, but the big attraction is the open world, the modding, building a char and do what you want without an end. So I finally ended a 2011 game and updated to a 2015 one :) I'm a bit slow I guess. 
      Thought I would be playing BG3 again by now, but that did not happen (I have it installed). Perhaps later. Hoped for Starfield even though I'm not into spacegames that much - but that did not happen either. Actually, your post with the CC tool from DD2 was the first new thing I saw. 

      And I'm doing other things I like: drawing, photography, poetry. All that on a (very) small scale, but I'm part of a small local art community now so I get to show some of my stuff and even get to sell some of it. Although most of the time I'm not willing to part from it :D And he, spring is coming, so I'll be gardening and painting the house.. With F4 filling in the gaps. 

      Hope you and your dog are doing well and may the miles you both get to walk in future days be many! 
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      I like the way you describe your life, it sounds nice and peaceful to me. Course that is based on just the bits that I read :-) Still the idea is nice.

      Me and Mila are well. She turns 10 this summer. It's hard to see her grow old, she is my only companion and we do everything together. Hopefully many more miles of walks ahead still. I'm content enough in my little bubble of the world at least :)
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Looking excellent Jonathan :))
    Both old and new .)
    I like the look of that new game too .)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Izzy! Putzing around mainly. The new game has potential, still on the fence about it though.
  3. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 66 kudos
    Gorgeous Fallout photos, and I love your DD2 character! I made mine but am still trying to make a male pawn. I haven't been able to create a good looking one yet, but you certainly have achieved that!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks! I still need to make a pawn. That was my first attempt at my Arisen, which took about an hour and a half. I was learning the tool at the same time. I love that you can change their posture, walking movement, and that you can adjust the lighting to day/night as well as rotate it all in the CC.  I want to make Keth and his pawn later. On the fence if I will get the game though - I dislike limited saves and any "souls" like game being horrible at twitch gaming (I have bad reflexes and don't own a controller which I know is recommended for the game). The CC has me tempted though as do the games visuals. If the game has an easy setting, even with limited saves, and if it can actually be played without a controller, then I think I will get it. I just suck at combat and don't play games to get frustrated and stressed over dying constantly :P
    2. SigynX1
      • premium
      • 66 kudos
      My Arisen took about as long but partially because it froze and crashed over 10 times. I still don't know why I was having so many problems, so I just started saving after each category. I love that there are so many options for customization. The first one had a lot, but DD2 added a bunch more.

      The first game is among my favorites, but I hear you on the limited saves. I ended up using a mod that stored saves so you could go back to previous ones. I really hope that I can do that eventually in DD2. I am very uncoordinated in combat and get super frustrated with anything souls-like but DD1 didn't feel like that to me. I mostly use the keyboard unless the game insists so will be trying to do that myself. I hope we both are able to play it without frustration. :-)
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Cool, thanks for the tips and information! I'm sure if I get it I will post some shots. Hoping there will be some mods and tools for that.
  4. AaronOfMpls
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    Hardly the worst scenery! 😁

    And hmm, interesting character creator, too. Got me curious what that game might be.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Aaron! Dragon's Dogma 2 I guess comes out 3/20 from what someone said. Not sure I will get it - not into those sort of games - but on the other hand might be a nice change of pace. It has an easy setting at least.
  5. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Holy wow!

    The scenery is breathtaking. The eye candy is soothing. The floof is cool as always. ;)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Kat! I tried to get a bit of diversity in the images.
  6. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Love the outhouse! Old tech in the new world.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Patrick, I was rather proud of that whole settlement build I did with it.
  7. Ecthos
    • supporter
    • 127 kudos
    A very nice set, Wolf :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Ecthos! :)