Fallout 4
Long Time No Post - Lila Beth Plus Update

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A quick snap of Lila Beth in Fallout 4.

I know what most of you are thinking. "My life is back to normal now that you made a post again!"

I know what some (er, maybe almost all) of you are thinking. "Who are you again?" ;)

I've played lots of Bannerlord last year. Fun, but maddening game to mod. My brother and I got the most mods working I've ever seen posted for it, but my games (yes, several) blew up. So I threw in some new lands and went back to Fallout 4.

Going to update the main computer to something newer than Windows 7 Pro (insert pre-historic music here). But then I am going to make Lila Beth 2. That's right. Because change is overrated! lol Actually, it's because when I played Fallout 3 years back, I got really sick of the gore and darkness. So, when I wanted to play 4, I thought, "How can I make it a little happier?" So Lila-Vision came into being, took blood and the gore out, cute bows, costumes, and frillies, added some cool Hello Kitty Pip boy and sniper rifles mods, built lots o' glass houses and BAM!, Lila Beth. I don't really want to play it another way. But!

I really want to upload Lila 2 to Youtube and share the game with everyone! That's my plan. So I will update as I go, and I hope to see you soon! Hope everyone is doing well. :)


  1. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Well I remember who you are :p
    I like the idea of not having nearly enough pink in the Wasteland hehe. It can be fun to roleplay that kind of character too
    1. Vlade717
      • supporter
      • 81 kudos
      Thanks Dylan! Yeah I am looking forward to a slight revamp. I am hoping it works out well.