Fallout 4
glowing sea

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Glowing, most definitely.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      glowing and entertaining
  2. GlowingHeart
    • member
    • 41 kudos
    Beim letzten Ghoul-Bild wollte ich schon schon losschreien: "Achtung, hinter dir...", aber das war nur die erste gedankliche Reaktion in meinem Kopf. Ich konnte eine reale verbale Äußerung noch unterdrücken.

    Aber manchmal passiert es, dass gedanklich gebildetet Sätze auch laut gesagt werden, auch wenn es keiner hört, z.B. bei einem Fußballspiel im TV.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      ist alles gut gegangen - god mode. die siedlerin im hintergrund hatte eine heftige Zeit!
  3. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 379 kudos
    Great shots.
    Love the terrain.
    She must have a major supply of Rad-X and Radaway wearing that scant armor.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      hi gurley, many thanks! it is ugrids 7 terrain, so some more details compared to standard setting.
      jamie is very well supplied on level 255 and has also full 40% rad immunity and legendary mod support.
      she was well prepared, the visual impression lacks a bit
  4. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    The detail in the last three shots is awesome. I hope Jamie got through it ok
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      hi and many thanks!
      i used god mode this time even with 40% rad immunity :)
  5. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 144 kudos
    Hey, friend! Here are my thoughts... First and most important, during the fire fight, are those guys really that hideous, or do they just seem to be that hideous in comparison to Jamie!

    Second, Boston looks so much nicer than it is in that shot looking back from the glowing sea. I mean, I know your game looks amazing - but that is a stark contrast between utter desolation of the sea... and the desolation that is the rest of the commonwealth area.

    The other thing I notice is the sparks from the bullets impacting on the metal surfaces after either Jamie misses... or more likely maybe after the bullet passes through someone and hits the metal, because I am sure Jamie is a better shot than I am! But I don't remember seeing them - and I have no idea how you managed to capture them. Are the sparks something added by a mod? Hmm... I guess I could do a search for that. Edit: I found this: Burst Impact Blast FX and will try this soon, if it is what you are using.

    Anyway, great set as always, and starting the day seeing Jamie is always a nice way to start my day.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      hi friend, thanks for another small talk...

      yes these guys are not only hideous but also very aggressive and fast jamie keeps always calm and cool...
      the problem for me was to play and to take screenshots at the same time. i played that part with god mode not to be urged to kill'em all before the fotoshooting
      the glowing sea is an area you get nearly everywhere full fps. that says much. what you see depends on the lod and on ugridstoload. i play with 7 not the standard 5.

      good search! the spark mod is great and a must. it is Burst Impact Blast FX 9.0b and works fine for me.
      you need a little luck to capture the sparks.