Fallout 4

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  1. Tesvixen
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Tons of people wanted this update, Twitter/reddit etc have been swimming with 'omg when is the next gen update??' posts for months.
  2. Bersark93
    • premium
    • 202 kudos
    I'm hoping when I load it up it doesn't force download the update, as interesting as some of the new creation content is I don't want/need any of it and especially not the breaking of the mods, they should have made it an optional dlc
    1. freemanchucknorris
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Agreed overall! While in theory I like that Bethesda is still making content for the game (as long as it isn't buggy), and I like some of what I see of the creation club - as you said it really does need to be optional and released like free DLC and/or paid DLC (bugfixes at least should be free, and any paid content needs to ACTUALLY be worth the asking price). If Bethesda were to do that, I think it would be a win-win for everyone! Now many have to choose between using the percent of mods that can't or won't be updated, or getting the update to be able to use Fallout London. I'm very disappointed that Fallout London won't be available for the current game version (and it was so close to release!), and I really hope they reconsider and at the very least release what is completed of the mod (or ideally finish it) for this game version then work on the mod version for the new game version! I think that would be another win-win for everyone!

      My primary purpose for replying to you was to let you know that while I'm a bit of a novice to novice-intermediate at using mods, in my experience with Fallout and The Elder Scrolls games bought on Steam so far, as long as you launch the game from the script extender exe/.exe/executable then Steam doesn't try to update it. I also select the options in individual Steam games to make Steam never auto update them and never download updates while playing - just in case (and never cloud sync/never use cloud storage). At least for Skyrim and likely for more games, there is a way to make steam unable to update it even if you accidentally launch the game in Steam - but that's a more involved process so it's best to watch a tutorial if that interests you. Sorry if I misunderstood your comment and if I'm repeating info that you already know. I hope this info was helpful to you, and I really like what I see of your mods! I'll have to try them! Have a nice day!
    2. nigthreaven
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      i try to block the update on my steam setting but when i launch the game it updated an broke the game
    3. Metaloul
      • premium
      • 0 kudos

      If you want to downgrade the game !
    4. nigthreaven
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      way to many steps to revet the game back i just not play before agust beacus it will be a lot of bugs agian like it was 4 years ago so just wait until oktober when thy wil have stop messing whit the game