Institute Redux

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  1. ImmortalAbsol
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    I've wanted to see this in other paints for years and years, would that be on the table?
    1. WyattTheSans
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      How would that look though? Also Dpillari doesn't own this Power Armor but he's allowed to make custom textures of it... I think?
    2. ImmortalAbsol
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      Yes all of M150's mods are modder's resources.

      I was thinking of things like replace the red with the colours of the different divisions.
      Maybe another one spray painted dark by the Railroad with railsigns graffiti'd on.
      East Coast Brotherhood with a stamp saying that it was commandeered / requisitioned and catalogued for study.

      There's somewhat reasonable ways to rationalise most factions, Sturges/Tinker Tom or any random Brotherhood soldier who doesn't have a suit of their own can walk past a suit in the final battle and think they fancy their  chance of survival better inside the suit (beyond the risk of friendly fire but shh...)

      Could even do a H&H Tools one just for fun because of House's connection to both them and the CIT. (Does look industrial)
    3. ImmortalAbsol
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
  2. deleted218945358
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
  3. YouLose53
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    uh, nice!
  4. Saedus
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Can't wait to see the finished product
  5. S0R215O
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    OH YEAH!!!
  6. Qrsr
    • premium
    • 279 kudos
    My request: a titanium, carbon fibre texture replacer