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  1. fickleton
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    is this a rebuilt commonwealth mod?

    will there be an immersive "spend caps and this slowly gets rebult" or just a model replacement
    1. dragonslayer2k12
      • member
      • 39 kudos
      I have been trying to figure this out for years now... I have this idear that some major quest could handle it tied to the rise of the MM throughout the completion of the main quest depending on player choices. Some kind of mr handy factory could be restarted and codsworth could run the place and make an army of handy bots that go about cleaning up the commonwealth and clearing out any remaining raider trash that the player or the MM missed. Eventually almost the whole main game world would be rebuilt with some bad parts of town exceptions like the glowing sea and so on.
    2. DrRuskin
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I'm going to presume it's a replacement, since Niston's previous overhauls for concord and Goodneighbour work that way. This is presuming it even gets released as I believe they've stated it's a mod being made for a machinima series of sorts.