WIP institute backup generator settlement object for power

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  1. fickleton
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    It just keeps getting better and better!

    Any plans for food and water makers? I like to think the institute is twice as advanced as the think tank and if the think tank can make madre casino machines that make food out of nothing, the institute can cobble something together 
    1. micalov
      • premium
      • 932 kudos
      have ideas in my head just not sure on how yet  for food and water and need to figure out weighting issues having with turrets since they are skinned (they move)
    2. FishGirlViolet
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      There was another mod that added institute food and water, the food was a replicator and the water condensated moisture from the air.
    3. micalov
      • premium
      • 932 kudos
      aye, think its SOE if I recall
  2. Bridges85
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    These are AWESOME! I love them, great work!