not in love

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  1. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    Really hoping you get it recovered, my friend.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      thank you for your mental support i try to cure my pc from this mess at the weekend.
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 159 kudos
      Hi! This is Alex, sorry for the spam. But I just wanted to clear something up...

      cmh is the "mental" one, meaning he is just a bit crazy! Or maybe more than a bit! So while our support is honest and true, Mr Saint's support is too. Let's keep the "mental" applied to cmh! Ya know, maybe I should not post this, because somebody will now call him "chickmentalhead"! Woops, looks like maybe I got into the chocolates with the alchohol inside them!

      Seriously though - good luck this weekend!

      Alex, signing off quickly!

      PS. xrayy, your message to Mr Saint was perfectly fine and understandable, I just felt like teasing cmh. And to make you laugh or at least smile.
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
  2. 54yeg
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    I'm not okay ;(
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      fo4 is a beginning skyrim? i hope and pray...
  3. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    It seems you got it working with some recent saves as well, that makes MO2 worth the steep learning curve and I am wondering if a Vortex user could have as good of results to recover?
    Keeping all the Game Data out of the Appdata would be my next move for my personal installation.
    Also forgive me for not commenting on your last image set. I could offer no technical advice and did not wish to be confusing in any way. I am very happy you have dealt with this successfully.
    Have a good one.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      yes fo4 is already a success! mo2 and profiles are a gem. i am happy you commented here and thanks! :)
  4. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    I hope you can succeed at getting it kicked into shape this weekend.

    I keep Steam and MO2 on a separate drive from OS...completely so as to avoid problems like what you are going through. I don't have to do any sort of recovery for the game as 'it just works' without issues for FO4. I haven't tried it with Skyrim yet, with both game and MO2 files completely on separate drives from the OS, when reinstalling windows for 10 or 11. I think I had issues restoring things like that when reinstalling 7 for Skyrim though. So I wish you the best of luck getting that going.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      thanks! fo4 is a little success and i have also hopes for the weekend
  5. arghTease
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    up and running!   Big plus
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      i used an os on another ssd. fo4 runs, skyrim and other games not. i hope i can find the reason. probably something missing on the new boot drive .
  6. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    I understand what you are saying about your Windows 10 (personally I am not sure Windows 11 is any better - I have both (on two different PCs), and Windows 11 seems to annoy me more)

    But for me and Alex... we ARE in love (and not just with each other ), we both love Jamie and are so happy that you are making progress in your recovery!

    Edit: I was assuming this was a new image, but maybe not? Even if not, we are still sure you can recover in time.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      thanks for your wishes. i am really happy that the fo4 recovery works somehow with my last saves - thanks to the local mo2 setup profile. skyrim doesn't work. a lot of tinkering seems inevitable :(
      yeah, it is a new image. fo4 runs with the new win10 os. my pc is not upgradeable to win11. my am4 platform is not fully compatible.