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This user's image description contains 14 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    A great set of images and shots of companionship, they have great wasteland outfit tastes and got some big powerful weapons too. glad your enjoying the game, I can't say its any better than Skyrim or previous Bethesda games, But I like the atmosphere and universe of the game and has lots of potential due to how modable it is
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Corf! Baldurs Gate, NWN, DAO, Morrowind, and Skyrim are probably my all time favorite games I have played to date. But I would put FO4 in my top 10 list at least. At $60 us dollars and 384 hours that is just 15 cents per hour. Hard to beat that price for entertainment.
  2. lesjones
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    A really excellent set showing how people depend on each other and the way in which true friendships of all kinds make existence just that little bit better, Wolf!

    Loved it!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Many thanks lesjones. I think friendships prior to technology might have been deeper in some ways - there was no fast communication, you grew up with many folks, you often never knew when you would see them again or what they were doing. Lot more passion and energy to relationships then there is in a modern society with technology.
    2. lesjones
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      I think you make a very good point about friendships and technology, although I have to admit that I am old enough to remember black and white TV and the first flight of the Concorde prototype, so I can remember a time when it took a letter six weeks to get from the UK to I can also see the "up" side to our tech-savvy society.

      But yes, in those days a "letter from Oz" was a family event!
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Me as well on the age thing.

      Oh there are definitely perks to technology and I totally see the plus to cell phones, TV, etc.

      I was referring more to like pre 1400 AC or so - medieval europe, ancient rome, etc.the old days.

      If a friend, lover, family member went off to war, a trade trip, a journey, etc. you really would never know what happened to them or when you might see them again. Letters mainly if lucky.

      Hard to explain in a simple comment as its a complex subject that needs good detail to clarify versus summing up quickly.

      My best attempt would be to say people had few things to go on to judge another person and a persons word was their bond, as was their honor. No background checks on computers or against the database. References tended to come from real people or if lucky a letter or scroll. People knew you as a person versus some username in email. People grew up closer as the community was much more closely knit for survival but also because of how communication and interaction was handled in person versus behind a computer in some apartment. People worked together more, interacted more.

      Emotions could be very strong when saying good bye as you could not text them 10 minutes later asking if they were still alive. Or have them call you when they arrived at their destination. Seeing a friend who had been away for a long time was intense because it was the only way you had real contact with someone.

      To me it seems like emotions might have been a bit more intense and passionate back then. Relationships more important and vital.

      I could be totally wrong - maybe they are just as intense. Certainly there are places on Earth that lack technology still or don't depend on it as much - although my initial comment was meant more for the modern techno-advanced countries.

      Probably influenced from my past readings in both history and fantasy that made me feel a sense of added emotion and intensity to society and how people interacted prior to computers, cell phones, TV's, radios, etc.

      I am sure there some studies on it though. I am more or less just sharing some thoughts I have had on the matter from time to time.
  3. YSmonstar
    • supporter
    • 823 kudos
    As I've said on Flickr, that first picture in the description is really awesome. I think it looks so much like an actual photograph, but with a somber and somewhat cinematic feeling to it. Like that second shot of Corvega too; great angle
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks kindly YS! I loved the mood in the main shot. While not a gun/hunter in real life it was the sense of comradeship, how they look out for each other, that I like. I try hard to keep my companions safe and alive even though it sometimes means dying in the process.
  4. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    Awesome set, great colors and those night shots have such deep black! The "giant" seems even bigger, did you give him a milk crate to stand on?
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Aye true black unlike my Somber based presets. I really dig the lighting at night. He is the same size but Fenn is actually a little smaller. Fenn is scale 0.95 and MacCready is 1.2. So even more different than Grim (scale 1.2) and Erik (scale 1.07).
  5. ChrisKley
    • supporter
    • 120 kudos
    great images, the night shots are the best!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Many thanks Chris!
  6. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Great shots , so happy to hear you are having fun and enjoying
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Too much fun I think - been playing every night and weekend and day off. It has that "new" feeling still which is missing from 4.5 years of Skyrim. Skyrim is fun and comfortable, like an old friend, but lacks any sense of new for me anymore. But both are still games I enjoy if for different reasons.
  7. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Some darn nice imagery here and descriptions too. The first description is really good, as that is what survival mode does to you.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks very much Wade! I suppose I cheat in the sense that I have dogmeat PLUS MacCready through a mod that adds Dogmeat back. Apparently the original game was made to have Dogmeat not count towards the companion limit - just like how in Skyrim you can have 1 companion and a dog. But they they changed their minds and put a block on it. The mod I use removed the block and i have noticed dialogue from MacCready about Dogmeat that shows there was some voice recording done before they made the change.
    • member
    • 145 kudos
    Fantastic shots Jon
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Ed!
  9. EMS60
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    This set is marvellous. Although *only* ??? randoms one of my favorites from you regarding this game.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Ems! Pretty much randoms - my shots pretty much reflect what I see in-game visually. I use TFC, FOV, TAI, and the like of course but that just changes camera stuff and keeps the actors still - the visuals are the same.
  10. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Very nice set Jon,.. also liked the night shots from Corvega, but also this one the sun works great there,..
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Erwin! Yea Corvega came out great. Was so awesome in game.