Fallout 4
Welcome to Bar Harbor

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Ranger's log 117
I've been dispatched to location known in pre war times as Bar Harbor. Central Command is concerned that unknown synth presence in Bar Harbor or that of the Children of Atom could become.....problematic. At the moment all I can say for certain is that the environment is some of the most hostile I've ever come across. The settlement I'm currently at is one of the few truly habitable sites on the island but habitable here is a loose term. Everything here wants to kill you the fog, the water, the wildlife, hell even some of the locals. Looks like I'll have to wrap this up a rad storm is coming. I should take shelter in the boat I've requisitioned.


  1. TheAkula
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Another lucky guy having beta acces for free ?
    1. SpareBl00d
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      no this is fake since there's no fog
    2. Meitachi
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Nope, that's the town from the trailer, you can also see the new "Defense" Pylon behind him in the background. Question: Why does no one read the NDA's they sign? *Facepalm*

      Edit: {Proof} Official Far Harbor Trailer 0:57/1:18
    3. gunslinger6792
      • supporter
      • 59 kudos
      Sheesh people calm down. I'm not providing any spoilers or leaking anything remotely major. I was just trying to share a creative picture and small story.