Fallout 4
Who Wants to live forever

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  1. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Very interesting start to Stragons adventures, so now he will find himself in a new land. Searching for what he is not sure is even out there. Is she alive, why did she not take him with her if she is , and why is she not searching for him. All questions left unanswered but in reality no answer has he for those yet, as now he has to find a way to survive in this new wasteland first. In time I think he will find information , if just bits and pieces of what has happened. So will he find her..... I guess only time will tell ......... I am sure his adventures will be interesting as he does his search for Blue...... Oh wait is that her over there next to that mutant camp............. nope just a shadow........ hehe , loved your story love and how your take on what has happened to put them in this strange land, look forward to hearing more of how he goes about this journey
  2. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    I always enjoy seeing how people approach the opening. Some embrace it, most seem to skirt around it, RP around it, or ignore it completely. Don't know what Beth was thinking in deviating from their "play as you want" philosophy that makes their games so popular. Or I think I do know what they were thinking - the masses complained and moaned about how poor their stories are (which I always enjoyed myself but I admit to being very biased being a Beth fan). Anyhow I think they could have still made a decent story with enough depth and emotional hooks without making you married with a kid - that was just too far IMO. Anyhow just me and I admit it bothered me more since I am not the type to have a wife or kid.

    I choose to ignore it completely. My first test character, Wolf Steelson, was a close friend to Nora who was a lesbian and needed a "husband" to keep up appearances as her lover was in the army. He was also the god-father to Shaun. But as I played the game and learned the story I decided to revise my approach for Fenn Finn-Gall, aka Fenrir, who became my canon/primary character. In this case he was just the neighbor. A smuggler for military goods on the black market who got into some trouble and needed a place to hide. Not a bad sort really - just not as moral as some and a bit chaotic. He knows nothing about his past but has had dreams and visions ... and has some of the second sight. He has "lived" a few alternative lives (aka Wolf Steelson) while frozen in the vault through his second site ... which is how I explain my first two play throughs with Wolf.

    Anyhow getting way off topic and my point was mainly a lot of "us" are coming up with reasons to bypass the beginning and even a cross-over from Skyrim. For me Fenn is Fenrir mortal form (he doesn't know it yet as his mortal brain can't handle the scope of Fenrir's existence so he only gets clues of who he really is in dreams ... its been planned out). Fenrir retired as Guardian of the North in Skyrim as Grim is taking his place at the end of his current story line (which I am working on now). There are many planes of Oblivion and this world is just one of them. Fenrir came here to restore the balance before Order and Machines (Synth/Institute) take over and destroy all life and nature.

    So as I was saying like to see how others are doing this. Your approach with Blue and even AoK with the "leak" in reality poisioning Tamriel from FO4 so Death Dealer and Dire have come to FO4 to stop the leak.
  3. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    I read here the Epic Beginning of a new story. Though you did not name your god, I assume it is...
    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      I wouldn't so much call it epic, but thanks anyway.
      Really just a limited imagination of how to start Stragon in Fallout.
      Had a couple ideas but getting shots was going to be a problem. Was thinking somewhere along the lines of a Dragon Break/Time Wound, maybe Ambrosia's daddy up to his games again.......... Shelley has a couple ideas how to keep Blue going while meshing into this beginning.

      edit.. and Stragon answers to but two beings.... guess I better name the most important one first, Ambrosia. The second, Jörmungandr. Hopefully there never comes a day when he will have to choose between love and master.