Seagull 03

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  1. 83Willow
    • premium
    • 1,153 kudos
    oh, they look really good now! Beautiful work!

    I always wondered why Bethesda made the poor seagulls so ugly and mutated while the ravens looked perfectly healthy... that doesn't make sense! I'm glad that you fixed them and made them so realistic!
    1. alexdoscious
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      its because these nasty gulls are real birds and the ravens are synth camera drones. the fact they look healthy is how u can tell a real bird from a synth bird.
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Oh yay! Thanks, Xaz, they look splendid!
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Xaz Magic!
  4. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 358 kudos
    Hooray for seagulls, not FEVgulls!
  5. deshaz
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    Nice work, big improvement over vanilla version
  6. clintmich
    • premium
    • 401 kudos
    I like this! A mix of the 2 birds would fit perfect in my opinion. Instead of just changing the texture, add a completely new bird to the wastes with the CK. Like what Galejro said, some gulls would definitely hatch in radiation free areas, then eventually end up with the radiated birds.
  7. Galejro
    • member
    • 421 kudos
    I'd agree and disagree with the idea. On one hand it's over 200 years after the great war. The vanilla diesease would be present in the first several decades after the war, but by 2277 gulls should have adapted to radiation and not show any diseasing. On the other the world is more of a patchwork of irradiated pockets and areas, It's likely some gulls hatch in radiation free areas like the new one, clean of diseases pre-war, but as they live and hunt for food they stumble upon irradiated places and get mutated.
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 496 kudos
      that all is more an personal thought about whats possible or not in a game like this, i think 'personal' , why would only humans being not infected after 200 years accept for some ghouls and ferals. Most people are not infected at all as only there attitute sometime. Also i keep this mod in my head for people that use resurection mods that got a green Commonwealth. I don't think those ghoulish animals won't fit in the idea about rebuilding it. This game is made to explore you're own fantasy and not to stick to vanilla ideas.