Construction Continues

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A look at the ongoing construction of the entertainment district and fishing docks. 

More images of Sanctuary City here.


  1. vojteek
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    Bethesda gave us a great feature, but we'll never be able to use it fully, because the game engine is old and inefficient and it doen't matter if you have quad Titan in your PC, the frames will still drop to 1 FPS.
    1. axle356258
      • premium
      • 93 kudos
      I agree with this totally.. I have dual 1080's and my Sanctuary of a month of building is nowhere near this and I drop to 20 fps on my rig and it's a beast
  2. cinemain
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey. I remember seeing on reddit months back that you were planning on releasing this version of Sanctuary as a mod when you were finished building it. Are your plans still in line with that idea, and if so how much left do you think that you still have to do? I'm constantly finding myself back here to see if you've uploaded it yet.
  3. MadVatic
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It's clear that the construction itself on this is absolutely insane, but I'm curious if you plan on having any specially voiced NPCs/quests for this. Because when this is done it looks like it'll be the true jewel of the Commonwealth.
  4. Blahl98
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Holy shit. This is rad as fuck. Are you planning on doing another one? You should do Abernathy Farms if you are.
  5. fiddee
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    the modding is strong with this one.
  6. SirArtilleur
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Ok, one question... did you kept the houses of Sanctuary before building it ? If no, please, could you tell me / tell us what was the name of the mod, or it's creator ?
  7. B29Bockscar
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    This is awesome but I think a bit over the top for me. Especially for a newly built settlement, built by 20- 30 people? Also like many have said I can't imagine being able to do anything in a place like this because frame rates would abysmal. Nice work though I doubt I could do this if I wanted to.
  8. Sleepytime
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    just the screenshot made my video card whimper and whine!
  9. Dividus
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    1 FPS confirmed holy s#*!
  10. Azalle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Holy shit.