Fallout 4
Proof of concept with Settlement Objects Expanded

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Two actor values set on the wall and floor objects in the ESP. WorkshopCanBePoweredAV [AVIF:0024A03A] set to 0, and [00000354] (which is engine defined and shows up correctly in the current CK; it enables power transmission through objects that connect by snap points) with a value of 1.

Copying those over from the vault pieces found in Vault-Tec Workshop takes only a few seconds to do them as a batch, if you shift+click all the items you're targeting, select the vault piece last, and then right click the properties and 'copy to selected records.'

The more complicated bit (in that it's time consuming and there's no shortcut I know of) is adding the vault tec power conduit snap point in NifSkope to allllllll the wall meshes. Conduits that only place against walls don't transmit power the same way as near as I can tell.

The resulting plugin is NOT dependent on Vault-Tec Workshop, either, but a modder would need to add their own power conduit that has the right snap point to truly make things work without it.