Not sure what to upload this as, was just messing around making a purified water retexture. Not really a chem, so would be out of place in my Unique chem retextures, hmmmm!?
I'd say go for it! Honestly I would like to see your first aid kit retexture with your All-in-one mod as well. I doubt people make a habbit of using many small retexture mods from differnet authors for these things, so i don't think they mind. But yeah, keep up the awesome job! I'm still waiting a bit longer for my modded playthrough, but I look forward playing with this mod and decorating all my settlements with drugs and chems and all the good stuff!
I'll add it as a "New Chem" in the E.U. Retextured Chems, since is is a new variation of Nuka-Cola, well new packaging.Cheers for the feedback Heaventhere, armdude, and fillder.
Will look so good with all my Super Duper Mart retextures I am doing