Fallout 4
Plunketts Duster - wip

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I wasn't even planning on making this, all of the long coat meshes generally have belts around the waists so had pretty much ignored using them and thus ignored making a duster. Had a mess around with the meshes in Blender tho and it kinda made itself. Really like the way the vanilla leather coat tail moves (has a heavy feel as opposed to the Drifters lighter coat tail), like the textures too, quite similiar I always thought to the Desert Ranger from Honest Hearts.

Once I'd re-textured the coat to look more like the Desert Ranger, I spent a lot of time on the normal and spec maps and testing in game, the coat tail now moves the same as the vanilla leather coat tail. That in itself I was quite chuffed with. It moves with a heavyness to the fabric.

The male mesh is finished, on a slim player character, the vanilla Drifter coat, there's too many gaps in the mesh for my liking, so it's been edited to not allow any gaps in the mesh. (one of my pet hates with my own mods, don't like clipping or seeing sky through a mesh - just some of those annoying things that bug me).

I was hoping right at the end of modding for FO4, if I had time, I'd finish off with a duster, very similiar to the Desert Ranger, with the round toed cowboy boots, bootcut jeans etc so was quite surprised when this idea came together.

I appreciate the other Ranger armours out there immensily, love the work gone into Dogtooths model and also L0rd0Wars. I'm hoping this is still a little different, I still see it as a Desert Ranger, 'Plunketts Duster'

I'd imagine somewhere down the line to have a look at the mesh again and
maybe add some bootcut jeans and the western boots. I dunno, I may try
for different longer coat without the belt.

The belt (sorry for going on if you stuck around to read this) is pretty much the first time
I've added accessories since modding for Skyrim, so that in itself will
help me for the next armours I'm planning.

Just have to carry on with the female mesh and complete the textures, shading on the Riot Armour etc.