Fallout 4
I used to care about the Commonwealth

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Nuka World is really testing my character's morals to the limit. She was all set to destroy the Institute for the Railroad, and then the moral complexities of Far Harbor took a heavy toll on her psyche. Having condoned a heinous crime and putting her faith in an untrustworthy and very dangerous synth in the name of a paltry and uncertain peace, her belief in the fundamental goodness of all sentient beings has been battered beyond recognition.

If we humans do so many ugly things to justify our continued existence, why draw lines in the sand at all? Why not... enjoy yourself once in a while?

That was how the vacation to Nuka World started. But now, surrounded by dozens of armed psychopaths and a playground full of thrilling obstacles, all the Sole Survivor wants to do is to feel the next thrill.

The Commonwealth can wait. Though I have no idea who will be coming back.

P.S. She's started eating human flesh for "funsies"