Fallout 4
The Rangeros

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Work in progress of some new underarmours and um ... hats.

The hats...oh the hats... (Aaauurghh the filthy shi**in' hats) ...

So far got some working in game with the facebone.nif. But they look naff compared to these ones. The original idea was to put a rattan hat and a hat similiar to the ranger tan hat from NV, the one with the upturned brim, not the cool ranger cowboy hats.

I got the rattan working, all good, for four or five days I was most chuffed I had one hat working in game. I worked hard on the rattan texture, a few days later was testing various colours in game and noticed my rattan, a very small bit of the bald player characters head was sticking out the top. Just enough to bug me. (f'ing hats!!)

Went back to Blender to edit the mesh about ten times, tiny little edits but none of them would work. (I''m thinking the havoc may be the culprit). One time I moved one vertice up a bit, that didn't work. Can't figure out why the first worked but no others do - other than the modding gods having a bit of a laugh.

Anyways, I tried a few more hats and found that editing from a vanilla mesh, as long as I didn't edit the top of the hat and just edited the brim, it would work with the facebones.nif. But the hats didn't look like what I wanted them to look like.

So at the moment, it's deciding which of the hats to add to the mod. The bowler/derby is working fine coz it's just a standalone texture replacer for the bowler.

One of the hats has to be a rattan. All of the hats I made were so far based on the militia mesh. I could leave them as standalone texture replacers based off the militia hat. The female versions are that right now, they look okay, I really like the vanilla militia hat, it's a cool shape.

I have two that I made that do work, one is a militia hat with an up-turned brim but the vanilla looks better, the other is a rattan but coz of the shape of it, looks um, okayish (actually looks hideous to me but some may like it). It actually looks like a riverboat hat and similiar to the old colonial straw hats.

The other option is release two hats that don't have the facebones.nif which means they may not fit some heads. I'm using them myself in my own game, a rattan and a upturned at the front brimmed tan hat.

I dunno, stoopid hats. At least the bandana works just about.

TL:DR - hats are laughing at me and have been since New Vegas, at least they sit on the head in fo4 and not on the ear.


  1. zanyoutlaw
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    I love these outfits and can't wait to use them.
    1. wubilyu
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Thanks zany, hopefully next week, just the female boots to edit in blender and I want to get the male legs mesh working a bit smoother (the knees).

      I think I'll add these hats that are in the screenshots on release and maybe add some more as time goes on.

      Also plan to add one more outfit to this, the middle one but with a jacket and a few accessories. Kind of a mix between Paulsons outfit from fo3 and the ncr ranger fatigues from fonv. That will come after release though.

    2. zanyoutlaw
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Oh that sounds wonderful.i don't know if you use Armorsmith Extended or not but if you need some help for a patch for it just let me know.i make patches and other thing for mods like this and would be glad to help out just PM me if you want.
    3. wubilyu
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Hey thanks zany, really appreciate it. I tend to spend all my time in blender or nifskope and haven't got as far as looking at AE yet, same goes for bodyslide and AWKCR.

      That'd be great though with a patch for AE. I'll pm you once I've got this mod a little closer.

      Just got the female outfits in game, a few edits here and there and they'll be finished.
      Also just finished the female versions of the two hats from the screenshot. I'll go with these two (and the bowler) for release. No facebones .nif but can see how it works out for people.

      Now looking at the male outfit, think I'm going to make the male legs a little less flarey, just a bit. Textures are all done so not far to go.

      Thanks again though with that, I'll be in touch.
    4. zanyoutlaw
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      I'm looking forward to working with you as you make some awesome mods and i love to give back in anyway i can.
    5. wubilyu
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Thanks for the kind words one zany, that's a nice mantra to have too. After all the years I've been modding for myself I'm pleased I can now give something back, only been releasing mods for a short time so am still finding my feet a bit to be honest.

      Everything I've learnt so far with modding Beth games, since Oblivion, has pretty much come from googling the nexus forums - it feels good to be putting something back in the pot.

      I look forward to working with you.

  2. HooverRAD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yeah.... I like these. Just when I think the game is getting stale, you come along and refresh my experience. Great work, wubilyu.
    1. wubilyu
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Thanks Hoove, I'm looking forward to when my modding slows down so I can play though with all the armours, good chance I'll only use a few of them but nice to have the variation.

      A few more to go yet though, including finishing this one.
  3. Vedren
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I made a hat for fallout 3 and I'm pretty sure when you make edits to positioning you have to "update facegen" something in nifscope before you save the nif to have your changes show up.
    1. wubilyu
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      I vaguely remember that with fo3. Paulsons outfit was my go to armour once the Alien DLC thingy was released. In foNV It made the game more fun for me looking in every container hoping somewhere there would be a a rattan cowboy hat. I'd follow the (scuse the pun) lone rangers, quietly hoping they would meet their demise and I would grab that ranger tan hat!