Building Stuff

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  1. deleted3656968
    • account closed
    • 70 kudos
    Looks very nice SA97 Great views & angles. Very well done!
  2. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Thats quite a cool looking pad, great shots too
  3. Culuf
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    wait, that's.. Sanctuary Hills? :O I didn't know you could build up ^ so high!
    I've been building stuff low to the ground so much, but that must save a lot of space o_o

    the cement shack floor? walls? why didn't FO4 tell me this?
    oh, the bunk bed commune houses can become skyscrapers now

    (also, sorry for missing +faves on lots of your Flickr stuff that didn't show up on my feed.
    I just made up for that! in case you were wondering why all those at once :­P)
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Yeah I sort of stumbled on all my building contraptions so far...

      No worries! I'm still catching up on your adventures as well. I will just need the time, really busy at work currently this time of year.
  4. respaldoshugo
    • member
    • 172 kudos
  5. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    I see you love it to build
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Yeah it can be addictive at times a good break from adventuring... ^_^
  6. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Great stuff,.. i've just gotten round to the building stuff,.. so to see what can be done from you,.. but also from dimitreus (demonikone) is pretty awesome. I hope to show of my "castle" in a few weeks also,,.. yours is looking great,...
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thank you!

      Yeah there is so much to do... I just started messing around to see what I could make... Then I wanted to make a tower of some sorts when I was playing around with the stairs. So then I started stacking blocks to see what I could do lol...
  7. PrinceNathan
    • supporter
    • 200 kudos
    Now this is something for me to aspire to build. I haven't even got my grubby mits on the build part of the game yet but I see you're making strides.
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thank you! Yeah... I just got hooked in by it right away so been messing around a lot. I keep experimenting finding new ways to create things... Just be careful while you build tall stuff... if you fall off while in the building menu you still die... >_<
  8. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 900 kudos
    Your own private castle

    Looking really good and nice tip on the cement. Settlement building is on my to do list a bit later in the game. I do it now and then when I am tired of fighting and just want to zone out in the game for a little while. Dogmeat seems happy to roam around as well.
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos

      Yeah Dogmeat is really amusing... I often see him snooping around in places and playing with his teddy while I build. Also some times he just wanders off to a doghouse as well...
      I'm trying to balance it out now, going to quest a bunch and explore some more. Then I'll finish up on my building projects.
  9. vitvalecka
    • supporter
    • 59 kudos
    Looks great!
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thanks Vit... I like chilling up there with my Sniper rifle... ^_^