Fallout 4
Gunner Heavy almost done

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Well I got the forearm guard working with some effort, but I think it should work out well. I need to learn how the current leveled lists work, and hopefully add them to mid-level gunners. After that I need to learn about how armor mods work, I'd like to add in an alternate paint job you can apply in game.


  1. lewisroantree
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    You don't happen to take mod requests for armor, do you? If so then there's one request I was hoping you could do for the Marine Combat Armor from Far Harbor, where you can implement a set of boots for the Marine Armor legs? As in the loading screens, the Marine Armor Legs are shown to have boots in them.


    But in the main game when equipped with players and NPCs, the boots vanish

  2. User_35964410
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos
    Maybe this could help you with getting it into level lists the way you want http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17782/?