Natural Female face

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  1. IheartRunningman
    • member
    • 220 kudos
    Very nice set of images on your latest NF.

    Liking the new male retex you've provided, clean yet rugged and the muscle tone is really neat stuff.
    1. Avallonkao
      • premium
      • 508 kudos
      Thank you and with female im trying to make her more mature skin, but yet possible to make a young woman, the body textures is based on Mature skin from skyrim, he gave me permission, so i think the result is going to be like i wanted
      the face was all from real womens textures photos, need be polished but is going to be right (i hope)
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Beautiful work!
    1. Avallonkao
      • premium
      • 508 kudos
      Thank you