Fallout 4
The Alpha Specimen

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Cassandra Rose - Big Mountain Research and Development Center - Specimen α Mutate

Would you look at that? I went and changed Cassie’s face again but this time for the better in my eyes. I ended up crafting her after the lovely Hayley Atwell (specifically this picture.) Plus finally deciding that she is not the Sole Survivor but my character from New Vegas that is not actually the courier at all but an escaped mutant specimen from the Big MT. Her mutant characteristics are to derive sustenance and strength from the radiation of the world around her, a perfect survival predator within the wasteland unlike her sister that was created to use radiation to kill and poison life around her, Yin and Yang in their truest sense. Planning for this new year to add to the story as to how and why she is in the Commonwealth.


  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    She's looking great, Eldrac.
  2. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Cassie is looking really great, those eyes are amazing, kinda mesmerizing.