I don't have definite plans yet. There are some developments on Colt 6504, I have some ideas about AK-112 and rework Colt 6520, but nothing definite. After Bozar, I want to finish my Power Suit PMS-78-Q1 Hyperion.
In response to post #46818680. #46820385 is also a reply to the same post.
H00V3RD8M wrote: What other classic Fallout weapons do you plan to do?
Scail wrote: I don't have definite plans yet. There are some developments on Colt 6504, I have some ideas about AK-112 and rework Colt 6520, but nothing definite. After Bozar, I want to finish my Power Suit PMS-78-Q1 Hyperion.
The re-worked Colt 6520 should be a compromise between the Hard-Boiled revolver and the N99 from FO3. A semi-automatic pistol in the style of the Colt from the original Fallouts.
The re-worked Colt 6520 should be a compromise between the Hard-Boiled revolver and the N99 from FO3. A semi-automatic pistol in the style of the Colt from the original Fallouts.